Hi Folks,
This week we are starting on the opening guitar chorus. What we are going to learn is how to approximate Lowell's style and riffs. But it's also his attack, the unusual bends and rakes that he does that give his style its unique sound. We will learn several of his signature licks and tone to try and get as close to his style as possible.
Work on the opening chorus and see how close you can get and we'll start on the solo next week.
Topics and/or subjects covered in this lesson:
Chicago Blues
Duke Robillard
Lowell Fulson
Reconsider Baby
Loop 3:00 Breakdown of Opening Chorus
Loop 12:28 Run-Through of Opening Chorus
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Loop 14:10 Run-Through Variation of Opening Chorus
Loop 15:39 Closing Thoughts
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Hi Stevie Boy, That's good that you made the effort to go to the original and took the time to work it up. You sound good playing it and got it very close. The track may be slow. I have a tendency to make my tracks on the slower side. Keep up the good work!
Hi Stevie Boy, That's good that you made the effort to go to the original and took the time to work it up. You sound good playing it and got it very close. The track may be slow. I have a tendency to make my tracks on the slower side. Keep up the good work!
The current Lowell Fulson lesson got me to reconsider Reconsider Baby. I went to the original and worked on getting it note for note, something I don't usually do but once in a while it's good practice. And Duke is right, it's really hard! I think I got most of the notes in mostly the right places, but it still doesn't really do it. Just deosn't feel right. I don't feel too bad, if Duke says it's really difficult I sure as heck going to have a tough time. The lead is a single take, that is, after many many previous single takes!
Hi Vincent, Yes they do.Lowell Fulson's style is fairly closely based on T Bone Walker's. Many diffrences AND similarites. Duke
Great lesson Duke! Love the explanations about the style.
I was listening to Blues for Marili from T-Bone today. Some of the phrasese have similiar ideas?
Hi Steve, sounds great. I am impressed with everyones take on this. Good feel! Duke
I need to add this tune to the set list since I don't currently have flat tire groove.
Thanks for all the great lessons Duke.
What a great lesson. I still need to work on this a bit but here's what I got so far. Love the Little Milton.
Thanks Duke
Hi Duke -
I was listening to my 78 of Lowell Fulson's "Guitar Shuffle" and it sounded so great I wanted to share it with your other students. Looking forward to the next steps in this lesson!
Bruce, Thanks for sharing. I have that record on vinyl and 78 but my 78 broke and it's now a wall ornament. Great Lowell, Lloyd Glenn and Earl Brown on that one! duke
What a great lesson! You've really given me a whole new way of looking at a song I've known and loved for years. First heard and loved the Elvis version as a kid (which, as I'm sure you know, is a whole other thing to Lowell's), so was always keen to learn where he heard it. Must've been in my late teens when I first heard Lowell and it just blew me away.
Thanks so much, not just for the playing itself, but the insight into the history/emotion and so on. Will have a video soon as I get a chance to make one.
Backing track is up for Reconsider Baby. Enjoy.
And here's another go, up to speed on my Strat so I can use the out-of-phase setting. Thanks, Duke.
Sweet!! You sound great Bruce. Inspiring. Nice tone too.
What are you using for your amp? You're getting a nice tone at a decent volume.
Thanks a lot, Mike! I'm using a Vox AC4HW1 (hand-wired), Fender '63 Reverb pedal and MXR Carbon Copy pedal. A 4 watt amp does allow me to remain on good relations with the neighbors, but the 10" speaker keeps it from getting boxy sounding like smaller 4 watt amps.
I don't normally use any effects when I'm practicing, but I was watching a video of Duke the other day where he said, "I'm going to turn up the reverb, because I like reverb." and I thought, well, why not? Indulge myself! :-) And it did seem to help inspire me. That probably is obvious to veteran guitar players. Being a piano player, I never thought much about effects and their affect on one's motivation. So as they say back in New England, light dawns on Marblehead (i.e. someone being an idiot finally realizes something).
Thanks again for the kind words. They are most deeply appreciated.
Alright, Good job Bruce, You got it down! Duke
Hi Duke!
Here's a first try at this. I'm still working on it, so it's slowed down a little bit (86%). I wanted to see if I could get Lowell's unique timing, so I'm playing along with his record. He definitely makes it a challenge. ;-) There's a great spirit about Lowell's playing that's hard to pin down exactly, but he plays with such confidence and authority! I'm doing my best to emulate that. Any suggestions or comments? Thanks!!
You got it Bruce. Love that guitar. Wish I still had mine..... Duke