This week folks we work on the melody to Sweet Georgia Brown. I start off slow and gradually built up speed here. For those of you who aren't used to play on this many changes learning the melody correctly is an important step before moving on to soloing. So spend sometime getting that melody down and play along with the first lesson to get a feel for where the melody fits. Good luck and see you next week! Duke
Topics and/or subjects covered in this lesson:Swing
Duke Robillard
Swing Guitar
Sweet Georgia Brown
loop @ 6:33 A section melody slow
$4.12 $3.9 /11 $4.12 $2.10 $3.11 $2.12 10 | $1./10 $2.10 $3.10\9 $4.12 |
$4.12 $3.9 10 $4.12 $2.10 $3.11 $2.12 10 | $1./10 $2.10^ 10 8 |
$4.10 $3.7 /9 $4.10 $2.8 $3.9 $2.10 8 | $1./8 $2.8 $3.8\7 $4.10 10 $3.7 $4.10 |
$2.10 10 $4.10 $3.7 $4.10 | $2.10 10 $3./9 $2.8 $3./9 $2.8\7 |
loop @ 10:04 A and B section. B secton tab below.
$4.12 $3./11 $4.12 $2.10 $3.11 $2.12 10 | $1./10 $2.10 $3.10\9 $4.12 |
$4.12 $3.9 10 $4.12 $2.10 $3.11 $2.12 10 | $1./10 $2.10^ 10 8 |
$1.5 $2.6 $1.5 $2.6 8 5 $1.5 | $1.5 $2.6 $1.5 $2.6 8 5 $1.5 |
$3.5 7 $2.6 $1.5 /8 7 6 5 | $1.5 $2.6 /8 $2.6 |
loop @ 11:26 at tempo melody
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Good job Steve! You get it tighter as you go. I like what you did when you got behind toward the end of the first chorus, you caught up for the last phrase. Too often people stop which is not the way to go. On stage, stopping is not good. A musician need to learn to keep going no matter what. Good job. Duke
Thanks Duke
I hear ya, never stop and never let'em see ya sweat, if that possible under a gazillion lights.
I had to move on before finisihing this series to Jumpin Blues as the guys want to do it at our New Years show.
Hi Duke
Here is my low tech overdub of the melody over the chords from lesson 1. The backing track is unfortunately louder than i would have liked but the Misses is after me to go to the Xmas craft fair so i won't have time to redo it right away.
Again it isnt perfect. Seems evertime i try to record it i'm flubbing at least one line. Practice practice.
Next i'll look into soloing which should be very interesting for me.
flat third when you play the IV chord. been doing it by accident for years.
now i know why they sound so good together..... thnx!