Just out of curiosity, how many of you may be interested in a series for basic blues on the chromatic harmonica? Let me know your thoughts - thanks!

Without a doubt! There is really not a resource, for playing in the G.Smith\Clarke\Piazza octave style.
Those of us who are interested have worn out learning the same songs but it is hard to improve without a better understanding.
I, for one, would pay extra for those lessons!

The Chromatic harmonica is very expensive to buy. But I'm really not interested in it

I would be interested, I have a Super Chromonica that has been gathering dust for years.
I actually posted a request fro chromatic lessons a few years ago and there were a few others that were interested.

Thanks Ryan! Yes, trying to get a feel of the interest now, I have had others ask as well :)

If I were to do a blues chromatic series, it would likely start from similarities with 3rd Position diatonic playing, since the blues chromatic playing would be in 3rd Position as well, and there are similarities between the two approaches. I would want to cover blues scale patterns, to help take some of the "guess work" out of what most blues players do when they pick up this crazy instrument. In addition to all of this, I think it's important to mention differences between playing the chromatic harmonica and the diationic harmonica, and habits to get yourself into and out of to help make this transition much smoother. Let me know who is interested - Thanks!

I would like to see some in 1st, 2nd and 3rd. We are talking a chromatic harp here where there is little to no end of it's ability.
Boogie'n With George, a first position number by one of the GREATEST blues chromatic harp players George Smith, would be, in my opinion, a good start for a 1st position tune. Third comes very naturally though. When I think about the first time I heard Boogie'n With George I had no idea from where it was coming from due to the chromatic being so extensively used in 3rd position. My ears and lack of experience decieved me in a major way. It took me a long time to figure it out.
I am very happy you are considering doing some lessons with the chromatic harp Dennis. You are one of the hottest chrome players in the universe.

Would love this- love the sound of chromatic in 3rd and have screwed around with it- but your working it out would be awesome
Hope you do it!
Happy New Year

Hey Dennis
We met in Eugene through Vicki. I’d be interested depending on cost. I Just bought a slightly used Suzuki Chromatix SCX-64
keep Me posted and Happy New Year!
If it ain’t Blues it ain’t News!
Brother Bob

I'm interested, especially if you can relate the lessons to well-known players and cover the options like holes and tunings. Why, other than to make more interesting publicity photos, would Little Walter use the chromatics? I don't have a chromatic and probably wouldn't buy one, but I'm very interested in blues harmonica evolution and figuring out what is going on in earlier recordings where all or most of the people with first-hand knowledge are now dead.
I get more from your commentary and ideas about what works to keep the music interesting and dynamic than from the licks. Keep that coming!
So in summary, please don't spend months on it, but I would appreciate learning more about the instrument through a several-weeks-long series.
Thanks for asking!

Definitely interested, this would help a lot of players broaden their sonic palette.

Hi Dennis
I would be interested. I have a key of C Super Chromonica 270.
It would be great!

Hi Dennis,
I would be very interested. I have a Chromonica 270 in in C, and a Super 64 that have not received the love they deserve.

I am definitely interested. I have a very old hohner chromatic - can't remember the model and I'm away from it just now. All these positions have me feeling pretty thinly spread, but an intro would be awesome. Thanks for everything!

Hi Dennis:
Count me in for it. I also have a Hohner Chromonica III in C - gathering dust on my bureau. Big and intimidating Beast. I’m more the ready for it. I look forward to chromo knowledge- help with other positions on the diatonic, I would think.

ooh, a chromatic lesson from someone who cut his teeny tiny teeth on George "Harmonica" Smith????
I'd say YEAH!

Count me in as Interested although I don't own a chromatic yet so would like a recommendstion there, and wont be able to dig into it until Q2, so may need to trail the real-time lesson...but that is the beauty of Sonic Junction!

Yes, I'd be quite interested!
I might mention that for those not ready to take the financial plunge of purchasing a high-end chromatic, there are some inexpensive imported harps available online. While they might not be a reliable performance instrument, they are cheap enough for getting your feet wet for those just wanting to give it a try.

Sounds like a good idea to me. I play a little 3rd position on a Chromonica 260 (10 hole) and would like to learn more.

I have two chrimatics. Just bought a bflat
im extremely interested
miami Art