Hi Dan --- I'm looking forward to learning the Uke and was wondering if you had any advice on what to look for when purchasing one. I'm probably looking for an entry level instrument.
Thanks for the help.

hey there mike!
i'm glad you asked....
i recently bought a Java by Tanglewood. at just under 200 bucks it's not quite an entry level uke but i've been happy that i spent a little more dough. this is the one i play in most of the videos. http://www.tanglewoodguitars.co.uk/product-category/ukulele-java/
i've been hearing a lot of great reports about kala ukes and their prices really run the range from low to high. https://kalabrand.com/pages/ukulele
i have several friends who love their luna ukes but you have to be willing to sport a fairly prominent design! http://www.lunaguitars.com/ukuleles
and as anyone who's seen me play live in the past 15 years i have a place in my heart for the flea ukuleles. they're made out of a combination of wood and plastic (hard to break!) and sounds great. http://www.magicfluke.com/default.asp
those are my starting points. luna and kala have the most inexpensive options.....
let me know what you end up getting!