Hi Duke,
First,,, thank you for your lessons.
Epiphone Sheraton II and Fender blues jr.
Do you set the guitar tones to neutral, meaning 5 on vol and 5 on tone, then adjust amp tones. Or set the amp up first, then adjust guitar tone??
p.s. saw you in the St.Louis years ago, it was a mobil street stage located right next to the "White Castle" buger joint. You commented on the great smell (not) in the air. You were a good sport about the gig.
Thanks Duke!!
Hi Dave, I usually keep my tone controls wide open unless I'm going for a jazz tone then I roll off the highs until i get the desired tone.On on the bridge pickup I may roll off some highs sometimes to get a more muted tone. It depends on what you like really. My advise should just be a starting point. On my Blues Junior I set the master on 10 the treble on about 5 or lower if I'm playing jazz. Middle is usually about 7 and bass 2 or 3. I run the volume betweet 2 and 4. As I said evryone's concept of tone and needs are different so use this for a start. you may not even like it. It depends on what sound you hear in your head. Duke
Thanks for your tone setting starting point. It's been a great help, hey it's the real deal from you.
God bless BB King.
thank you for your reply,
Dave, St.Louis