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1621 thumb Chris eldridge left a comment on: Fundamentals Scale Degrees and Melody
Hi Micah!  First of all, welcome! There's a good crew of people here - happy to have you join us.  You clearly have a knack for music - this excerpt sounds really good. The main...
460 thumb Alan liked a comment:
I don't have any questions at the moment. Your demonstration/explanations are really revealing. I just have to listen alot to get the timing. Thanks.
804 thumb Rick estrin left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes Second Verse Breakdown
Cool. Have fun.
Rick Bill blatner left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes Second Verse Breakdown
I don't have any questions at the moment. Your demonstration/explanations are really revealing. I just have to listen alot to get the timing. Thanks.
804 thumb Rick estrin left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes Second Verse Breakdown
Hi Bill - sometimes it’s a kinda tough to remember exactly what I did, but it really is a little bit like a two for one - Plus, if you have any questions about either, I’m glad to...
Rick Bill blatner left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes Second Verse Breakdown
After about 15 listens I have figured out the difference between what you played at the start and what you played at the end 😁  I love both versions. Thanks for the two for one.
3857 thumb Charlie left a comment on: Never Mind Chords and Rhythm
Great tune. Thanks for introducing me to someone I'd never heard of - can't find this song on iTunes or even YouTube! Looking forward to getting into this one
804 thumb Rick estrin left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes Second Verse Breakdown
Hey Gordi - Glad you’re diggin’ it !
7 thumb Corey harris published a lesson: Rocks and Gravel Singing and Endings
This week we will focus on singing the song and how to end it. Make sure you have a solid foundation by reviewing the previous lessons as well as listening closely to the song...
2171 thumb Gordi brown left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes Second Verse Breakdown
priceless Rick .. thanks so much!    
460 thumb Alan left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes Second Verse Breakdown
Hi again Rick, Many thanks for the quick reply. Alan.
804 thumb Rick estrin left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes Second Verse Breakdown
Hi Alan - I wish I had an answer for you - Vocally, I’m just trying to work with what I’ve got. I am glad you’re enjoying the lesson.
460 thumb Alan left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes Second Verse Breakdown
Hi Rick, What a great lesson this is. I love the importance you place on the "little stuff". May I ask which vocalists influenced your singing style ? Alan.
Chris John d. added to a forum topic: New Song Request
Norman Blake's version of 'Under the Double Eagle'
6 thumb Duke robillard published a lesson: Never Mind Chords and Rhythm
Hello Friends, Today we are starting a new tune and although it's not well known its one of my favorites. It's called "Never Mind" By Claude McLin, Chicago tenor sax man. Fun...
804 thumb Rick estrin published a lesson: Fattening Frogs for Snakes Second Verse Breakdown
Hey Sonic Junction - This week we’re working on the second verse of “Fattening Frogs For Snakes”. Verse two gives us another opportunity to develop some variations on all the...
Chris Chris blankner left a comment on: Boll Weevil Melody on a Single String
Hey Chris been listening to Dawg and T.  Any chance a lesson could be on the horizon for I don’t want your mandolin mister? lovely tune. PS:  thoughts on the pre war guitar...
2086 thumb Micah left a comment on: Fundamentals Scale Degrees and Melody
Chris, Thanks for the lessons!  I'm primarily a rhythm player and songwriter, and I'm looking forward to pushing myself across the board through your videos.  I'm self-taught - or...
Rick Bill blatner left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes First Verse Breakdown
Yeh. I guess it's just a cool variation. No need for theory but I figured I'd ask. I think I probably learned that 2-3 blow combo from you and it's pretty much part of my vocab...
804 thumb Rick estrin left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes First Verse Breakdown
I’m probably mostly using the 3 blow, 2 blow, 1 draw sequence for the tag at the end of the verse.  I play that tag like that simply ‘cause I hear Rice Miller do it, using those...
Rick Bill blatner left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes First Verse Breakdown
OK, I'm going to take you up on the offer.  At several points you're going down from the root, either 3-blow or 2-draw, to the 5 of the scale on the 1 draw.  Sometimes you go...
Duke Pasquale la piccirella left a comment on: Just A Dream Singing and Endings
Hi Corey, just to ask where I can find the lyrics of this song, in the version of the lesson. thanks in advance. pasquale
804 thumb Rick estrin left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes First Verse Breakdown
Glad you’re diggin‘ it, Bill. And you’re right, there’re a lot of small details - As always, feel free to ask me about about anything.
Rick Bill blatner left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes First Verse Breakdown
This is definitely the shizzle:) So many little things I would never have picked up just listening to the performance. Thanks.
Rick Bill blatner left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes First Verse Breakdown
This is definitely the shizzle:) So many little things I would never have picked up just listening to the performance. Thanks.
Rick Brian cade added to a forum topic: 3rd position on natural minor
I've been expermenting with playing minor key tunes that have strong relative major components by playing them in 3rd position on a natural minor harmonica.  Was led to this by...
804 thumb Rick estrin left a comment on: Sloppin' and Slidin' Performance
Hi Douglas - This video is just the song performance. When you get into the actual lessons I explain which holes I’m hitting and what to do once you get there.
Rick Douglas avery left a comment on: Sloppin' and Slidin' Performance
What holes are u hitting?
804 thumb Rick estrin liked a comment:
Your right their is alot of good stuff in here, the more I work on it the more I get out of it. Great lesson
2561 thumb Boyd r left a comment on: Fattening Frogs for Snakes First Verse Breakdown
Your right their is alot of good stuff in here, the more I work on it the more I get out of it. Great lesson
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