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7 thumb Corey harris published a lesson: Preaching Blues Singing & Review
We're re-issuing one of Corey's most popular lessons with new sheet music, re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Corey:  In this lesson we will review some of the basics...
1621 thumb Chris eldridge published a lesson: Banks of the Ohio Basic Crosspicking
We're re-issuing one of Chris's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Chris:  Crosspicking is one of the great, under-appreciated flatpicking...
409 thumb Mike caren left a comment on: If I Had You A Section Chords
Hi Jim -- thanks for letting us know.  It looks OK on our test systems -- can you try again and if you see the issue -- tell me a bit about your setup: browser, computer etc...
3146 thumb Jim reading left a comment on: If I Had You A Section Chords
Tthe chord chart is double typed one over the other making it impossible to read.
6 thumb Duke robillard published a lesson: If I Had You A Section Chords
We're re-issuing one of Duke's most popular lessons with new sheet music, re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Duke:  Hi Folks, This week we are learning the chords and...
1621 thumb Chris eldridge published a lesson: Banks of the Ohio Rolling and Rippling Accompaniment
We're re-issuing one of Chris's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Chris:  One of the great things about Banks of the Ohio (or another...
7 thumb Corey harris published a lesson: Preaching Blues Slide Technique and Variations
We're re-issuing one of Corey's most popular lessons with new sheet music, re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Corey:  In this lesson we will review the basics and...
103 thumb Jerry portnoy published a lesson: Mystery Train Intro Breakdown and Train Riffs
We're re-issuing one of Jerry's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Jerry:  This week I demonstrate the whistles and other train sounds at...
103 thumb Jerry portnoy left a comment on: Careless Love Performance
You're right. Listening to it now, it seems intrusive. In general, play fills between the vocal phrases and stay off the voice, though sometimes you can play something that...
3124 thumb Hank hamilton left a comment on: Careless Love Performance
I love what you and Rick do on this tune. I have the intro, but not up to speed, well ... not up to quality either, but it'll get there I notice that when you are playing in back...
3992 thumb Mark left a comment on: Jazzy Blues Comping and Chord Melody Lesson 5
Love this !!!!
3124 thumb Hank hamilton added to a forum topic: Introduction
Hello Chris Actually I signed up on Sonic Junction to learn some harmonica from Jerry Portnoy. I browsed around and found your lesson offerings. I put my guitar away a couple of...
103 thumb Jerry portnoy published a lesson: Mystery Train Intro and Performance
Our own version of “Mystery Train.” Go to the very first lesson (Chord Rhythm) in the Masterclass section for the breathing pattern for the moving train. Next week I’ll show you...
6 thumb Duke robillard published a lesson: Jazzy Blues Comping and Chord Melody Lesson 5
Hello Folks, This weeks lesson follows the jump blues soloing theme but in this chorus we go up to the next position and learn a chorus of swinging style blues an octave about the...
7 thumb Corey harris published a lesson: Preaching Blues Review & Double Time Riff
We're re-issuing one of Corey's most popular lessons with new sheet music, re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Corey:  In this lesson we will review the material from...
1621 thumb Chris eldridge published a lesson: Banks of the Ohio Playing Melody While Acompanying Yourself
We're re-issuing one of Chris's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated loop points.  From Chris: Solo flatpicked guitar can sound surprisingly rich and full. It...
3857 thumb Charlie left a comment on: Jazzy Blues Comping and Chord Melody Lesson 4
Wow! Duke, you have shared nothing but tasty stuff since the day I signed up, but this may just be the hippest thing I heard! Absolutley love this!!! Thank you. Please keep 'em...
6 thumb Duke robillard published a lesson: Jazzy Blues Comping and Chord Melody Lesson 4
Hello Folks, This week we have a chorus of jazzy blues in Ab that comes out my jazz inspired blues bag. It employs a 2/5 implied in the first four bars then a diminished on the...
1621 thumb Chris eldridge published a lesson: Banks of the Ohio Chords & Rhythm
We're re-issuing one of Chris's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Chris:  This month we're going to return from instrumentals back to the...
7 thumb Corey harris published a lesson: Preaching Blues Basic Riff
We're re-issuing one of Corey's most popular lessons with new sheet music, re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Corey:  In this lesson we learn the basic riff for Son...
2040 thumb Dennis gruenling published a lesson: Boxed Up Breakdown of 7th and 8th Chorus
We're re-issuing one of Dennis's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Dennis:  Hey Everyone!  In this lesson we cover the last two choruses of...
2973 thumb James reed left a comment on: You Don't Know My Mind Bass Runs
Hi Chris,Is the general guideline for rest strokes something like: Use rest strokes to help your low notes project on downstrokes but use them less on a quick run?All the...
2492 thumb Marty perry left a comment on: Robbins Nest Backing Track and Melody Practice Loop
Here's my go at Robbin's Nest. I made my own backing track for this one and played rhythm guitar and bass on the intro and ending. Great tune. Thanks!
Duke Michael mckenna left a comment on: Jazzy Blues Comping and Chord Melody Lesson 3
Thank you, much appreciated
409 thumb Mike caren left a comment on: Jazzy Blues Comping and Chord Melody Lesson 3
Thanks Michael -- you're right!  Should be all fixed now.  I appreciate you letting us know.
Duke Michael mckenna liked a comment:
Thanks Duke - loved this series! Thanks for the garage sale ; ) As always I'm sharing the first take (I'd never remember to share if I didn't do it immediatley!) Finally got gigs...
Duke Michael mckenna left a comment on: Jazzy Blues Comping and Chord Melody Lesson 3
is it just me, but isn't the wrong tab attached to this lesson?
3857 thumb Charlie left a comment on: Jazzy Blues Comping and Chord Melody Lesson 3
Thanks Duke - loved this series! Thanks for the garage sale ; ) As always I'm sharing the first take (I'd never remember to share if I didn't do it immediatley!) Finally got gigs...
6 thumb Duke robillard published a lesson: Jazzy Blues Comping and Chord Melody Lesson 3
Hello Friends, This week I show you more chord ideas for enhancing you solos with chords, chord fragments and double stops. All these ideas can be used in many different ways for...
2040 thumb Dennis gruenling published a lesson: Boxed Up 6th Chorus Breakdown
We're re-issuing one of Dennis's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Dennis:  Hi Everyone - For this week's section of my "Boxed Up" third...
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