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Jerry portnoy
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Masterclass Chord Rhythm
Not really. You should just be able to match it to whatever tempo is appropriate to where you use it.
Grant page
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Idea for Video series
Hi Jerry, would love to see a video series on improvisation on the harp
Grant page
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Masterclass Chord Rhythm
Hi Jerry, brand new student, love the lessons. Is there a certain speed I should work up to on these rthym lessons?
Guy davis
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Little Red Rooster Main Riff and Chorus
Hello William. Thank you for the complement. I reckon there are worse teachers than me.
Mike caren
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Horton Shuffle Intro and First Chorus Breakdown
Hi Bill --- thanks for letting us know. My guess is that it is an interaction issue with your computer. Can you email me at --- --- letting me know a bit...
Steve lauder
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Why Don't You Do Right Solo
Here i am attempting to emulate your solo. looking forward to the backing track.
Bill blatner
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Horton Shuffle Intro and First Chorus Breakdown
I'm having technical difficulties. I can play and hear the lessons but at some point, not consistent, the sound cuts out while the video continues. If I close the browser, reopen...
William deraymond
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Little Red Rooster Main Riff and Chorus
Great teaching Guy! Appreciate it!
Steve lauder
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Hi Steve, We'll have the track for you to play to soon. Yes it's a great song! That is a new Casino. It's fabulous, I had to intonate it but it came set up great right out of the...
Bruce dumes
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You Don't Know My Mind Bass Runs
Wow, fabulous lesson, Chris! Those are great licks, and it's amazing how playable they are after you've broken them down. Thanks!
Bruce dumes
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Why Don't You Do Right Solo
Thanks, Duke!!!
Duke robillard
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Why Don't You Do Right Solo
Wow Bruce, that was fast! You nailed it buddy........
Duke robillard
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Blues A Rama Muddy Waters
Hi Bill, Love the Bad Monkey. One pedal that sounds to me like a tube amp. yes I set the bass and treble all the way up usually. If I want a darker sound I turn the treble back a...
Frank barberie
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Thank You
Mike caren
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Hi Frank --- that's your suggested practice list that is automatically populated based on the Artist you chose to follow.
You can add or subtract lessons by going to a lesson page...
Bruce dumes
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Why Don't You Do Right Solo
Hi Duke! I decided to learn your solo first, then start working on improvisation because I really love what you are doing with the time. Especially that first phrase where you...
Duke robillard
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Why Don't You Do Right Solo
Hi Steve, We'll have the track for you to play to soon. Yes it's a great song! That is a new Casino. It's fabulous, I had to intonate it but it came set up great right out of the...
Frank barberie
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Hi new here In the tool bar at the top You see your name nest to it there a drop down Profile Photo, Account ,Payment Info then Under what It all this ????
Profile Photo
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Chris "Critter" Eldridge
I appreciate Chris Eldridge's approach to Jimmy Martin's "Honey You Don't Know My Mind": First, demonstrate the rhythm pattern and suitable variations, then focus on bass runs to...
Jc papa
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I like your rendition! Hope you do more lessons.
Jc papa
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Little Red Rooster Drop D Solo and Ending
I like your rendition! Hope you do more lessons.
Kip marchetti
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Little Red Rooster Drop D Solo and Ending
Guy Davis man ... great lesson ... gonna take a long time for me but love to watch you do it. Thx
Steve lauder
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Why Don't You Do Right Solo
Great song Duke. I did the chords lesson and played along with lesson two. I listened to Peggy's verison and played over it from youtube. Looking forward to getting to this lesson...
Reginald griffith
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Blues In A Dream Performance
Now that's the low down dirty rotten blues!! When u got the blues u don't won't to hear no Damm happy music. U ain't happy and don't want to b. The man don let u go yo woman done...
Duke robillard
published a lesson:
Why Don't You Do Right Solo
Hi Folks,
This week we are working the solo for "Why Don't You Do Right." I came up with a solo based on Dave Barbour and Charlie Christian. Both players though different, share a...
Corey harris
published a lesson:
Little Red Rooster Drop D Solo and Ending
Ideally, it is in mastering small units of finger work, that we begin to assemble a tune and a song that will work and flow as a unit. The Muddy Waters riff, the solo in drop D...
Chris eldridge
published a lesson:
You Don't Know My Mind Bass Runs
This week we're going to take a look at some great bass runs in the styles of Jimmy Martin, Clarence White, and Tony Rice. I'm showing you these runs in the context of Honey, You...
Larry "the iceman"
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Blues In A Dream Performance
At last. The Ultimate training song for blues harmonica.
Have been using this one for students for at least 14 years!
Great for ALL levels, beginner on up.
Mike caren
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Blues In A Dream Performance
Wow. I love the architecture and flow of this tune.
Jerry portnoy
published a lesson:
Blues In A Dream Performance
Here's my signature tune - "Blues in a Dream." This is played over the same bass line as Little Walter's "Last Night." Not a lot of notes and plenty of ambient space - just the way...