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Willliam deraymond
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Things About Coming My Way Chords & Performance
Great song and lesson Guy. Thanks!
Gabriel morelli
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Driftin' Blues Chords
Hi Duke. Thanks for a great lesson. I was looking at the chord progression you are playing and it seems to me that the written diagram doesn't seem to be aligned. I believe you are...
Mike caren
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Things About Coming My Way Chords & Performance
Hi Guy --- I love the way you voice the G7 and D9 chords. It's cool that if you just move one or two notes around how much it changes the feel of the chord and makes the song...
Jerry portnoy
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Off the Wall First Chorus Breakdown
This week we're starting to analyze and deconstruct Little Walter's great instrumental Off the Wall. This is a tune that exemplifies Walter's genius in both the sophistication of...
Duke robillard
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Driftin' Blues Solo Lesson 1
Hello Friends,
This we start on the solo for Driftin' Blues. Johnny Moore's solo is one of the most perfect pieces of music in blues of the 1940s. His use of ninths in the solo...
Ilene richardson
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And congratultions to Bob Dylan for getting to perform with Duke
Big fan of both guys, I'll have to look into the tour dates to see if there's one I can get to.
I guess that's...
Jerry portnoy
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Off the Wall Performance & Introduction
Thanks, Tim. Little Walter's original is one of the all-time great harmonica instrumentals!
Steve lauder
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Driftin' Blues First Two Chorus Fills
After a lot of research I recently picked up a solid state Quiter Aviator 1 x 12 to ease my achin back. its 33lbs. The 1 x 8 model has the same amp section but wieghts ony 22 lbs...
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Hi Mike,
Thank you very much from France for this wonderful website!
Please could you consider adding english subtitles to the videos: it would be very very very useful for...
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Route 66 Chord Comping
Thanks so much Duke. Sounds so cool, would love to get it in my arsenal!
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Special Rider Blues B Section & Variations
@Corey Hey Mr Harris, just joined Sonic junction and tryin to learn this incredible song from Skip James. But it's a bit hard to get some of the variation and transition when there...
Barry croucher
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Driftin' Blues First Two Chorus Fills
Really? sounds great! I thought it was going to be some vintage tube amp!
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Swingin' the Blues Chords and Rhythm
Ok, I will hire you for my company Christmas party!
R Amster MD
Duke robillard
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Route 66 Chord Comping
Charlie, I'll see if Mike can post the formation I use of the sharp 11 chord. Duke
Duke robillard
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Route 66 Chord Comping
Thanks Matthew, I will consider a lesson on that. I am rather limitted myself on doing chord solos though. Duke
Duke robillard
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How Long Blues Chords
Thank you Kotzias!
Duke robillard
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Swingin' the Blues Chords and Rhythm
Ramster, I hoope to play California this year but no specific gigs yet. Duke
Duke robillard
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Driftin' Blues First Two Chorus Fills
I'm playing through a small Roland practice amp, don't know the exact model. Duke
Duke robillard
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Driftin' Blues First Two Chorus Fills
Hi Guys, that is my new custom Duke model Delaney guitar. I'm going to check out the new Roland blues cube. Duke
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Hi Tominou,
Terrific. You might try playing 1/4, 2/5, and 3/6 as octaves rather than just the upper note. It will give it a fuller sound though I didn't do it all the time in my...
Veronica ganora
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Fulton Blues Singing and Endings
Thanks for the tab Corey, I also dig your interpretation of Blind Blake'a C C Pill. I'd find it helpful to have that in tablature to follow while doing the video lesson. Anyway...
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Route 66 Chords
This is my approach of playing Route 66.
Andy macdonald
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Key to the Highway
Thanks for the comments and advice, Corey.
Andy macdonald
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Nice guitar work Andy and your voice carries through. Your tempo is good here. Do you ever keep time with your foot or do you always stand up? The only thing I would suggest is...
Barry croucher
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Driftin' Blues First Two Chorus Fills
I agree it's lovely! Could you tell us what amp you're playing through too?
Tim james
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Off the Wall Performance & Introduction
great to hear and see ya again Jerry!!!!!!!!!!!!! this tune is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Timothy oliveri
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Timothy, thanks for your input. How do your go about finding a collaborator? I thought about asking my cousins if they could contribute...they are both musicians. I'm not sure why...
Timothy oliveri
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For me I have always found collaborators by trusting my inner feeling. By trial and error, i have always been able to know what works and what doesn't. Given that one is a good...
Timothy oliveri
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How do you write your songs?
More great advice from Corey. Take it from someone who only wishes I could sing out of my mouth the melodies in my heart, sing the Lyrics. use your smartphone for ideas. Take the...
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For me I have always found collaborators by trusting my inner feeling. By trial and error, i have always been able to know what works and what doesn't. Given that one is a good...