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6 thumb Duke robillard left a comment on: San Ho Zay Head
Hi Maureen, I would say practice rhythm guitar to  all the songs you know and really think about the changes while doing it. Having the progressions in your head should help you...
Rick Eric c rodenberg left a comment on: Careless Love Solo Breakdown
Thanks Jerry. Your program is really advancing my harping. You're a great teacher and overall mentor. This is the best money I've spent in a long time. Serious appreciation.
1395 thumb Jamie j liked a comment:
Fabulous! Duke at his best; playin and teachin. So many colorful variations and it teaches you underneath the chords how to play lead as well if you pay attention!
1395 thumb Jamie j left a comment on: C C Rider Singing
Really good to see something different. Makes a nice change to be just singing. :)
1631 thumb Steve lauder liked a comment:
Hey Steve, That's great! Really nice lines and ideas there. You really have the feel, at times you fell behind the beat a little but it's not always easy playing with tracks. I'm...
6 thumb Duke robillard left a comment on: Shivers End of Solo & Shout Chorus
Hey Steve, That's great! Really nice lines and ideas there. You really have the feel, at times you fell behind the beat a little but it's not always easy playing with tracks. I'm...
1631 thumb Steve lauder left a comment on: Shivers End of Solo & Shout Chorus
Hey Duke, This will continue to be a work in progress for me but i feel i am making progress none the less. I had recorded a version yesterday but today went back over the lessons...
1631 thumb Steve lauder left a comment on: Shivers End of Solo & Shout Chorus
6 thumb Duke robillard left a comment on: San Ho Zay Head
Thanks Bruce!
823 thumb Bruce left a comment on: San Ho Zay Head
Early Freddie King, it doesn't get any better! Thanks for the tune & the insights, Duke.
1395 thumb Jamie j left a comment on: C C Pill Blues Lesson 2
I find the key of C the hardest to play in...
1395 thumb Jamie j liked a comment:
Hi Duke,  What scale would you use to solo over the progression? By the way I love these lessons! Thanks 
1395 thumb Jamie j liked a comment:
Hi David, I have to admit I'm not a "scale" player kind of guy. That being said, I am basically playing over the major scale interspersed with the minor pentatonic blues scale. I...
1395 thumb Jamie j left a comment on: Swingin' the Blues Chords and Rhythm
Thanks a bunch for a great explanation however I am still a little unclear.. What I don't understand is how you can have a 9th when it ends at eight (the upper tonic). Is it the...
1395 thumb Jamie j liked a comment:
Hi Jamie, As far as progressions there are thousands depending on the writer. It's a fact that many progressions are just slight variations of others and some have very different...
6 thumb Duke robillard left a comment on: Swingin' the Blues Chords and Rhythm
Hi Jamie, As far as progressions there are thousands depending on the writer. It's a fact that many progressions are just slight variations of others and some have very different...
1395 thumb Jamie j left a comment on: Swingin' the Blues Chords and Rhythm
Hi, Duke How would you combine the major scale and the blues scale? Also what are 9ths and 6ths? I know about scale degrees but how can you have a 9? What I would do to combine...
1631 thumb Steve lauder left a comment on: San Ho Zay Head
Absolutely, i too mention it to all the players i meet particularily at gigs. Spread the word. Cheers steve
1631 thumb Steve lauder liked a comment:
Thanks Duke - still can't believe this site exists! It's too cool - where else can we go from Charlie Christian to Freddie King? I'm telling everyone I know about Sonic Junction
6 thumb Duke robillard left a comment on: San Ho Zay Head
Thanks Guys, I really appreciate you spreading the word. It helps! Duke
3857 thumb Charlie left a comment on: San Ho Zay Head
Thanks Duke - still can't believe this site exists! It's too cool - where else can we go from Charlie Christian to Freddie King? I'm telling everyone I know about Sonic Junction
666 thumb Steve h left a comment on: San Ho Zay Head
Hi Duke, One of my favorite Freddie king tunes. Can't wait for next weeks lesson. Thanks, Steve
Duke David luland liked a comment:
Hi David, I have to admit I'm not a "scale" player kind of guy. That being said, I am basically playing over the major scale interspersed with the minor pentatonic blues scale. I...
6 thumb Duke robillard published a lesson: San Ho Zay Head
Hi Folks, This week we start a cool new Freddy King instrumental called San-ho-zay. It's a fun little tune to jam on and we will learn all the little eccentricities of Freddy's...
Duke Tavares left a comment on: Memphis Grind Head
I am missing a backing track in order to practice it. Could you provide it? Thanks again.
Duke Tavares left a comment on: Memphis Grind Head
Hi Duke, I would like to learn how to play that song ("Do The Memphis Grind) as you performed at Calahans (I watched at the youtube). I mean, the complete song and learn that step...
1395 thumb Jamie j liked a comment:
also: let me be your side track till your main line come
1395 thumb Jamie j liked a forum post:
Mike,    The "Upload Video / Audio" link seems to be broken. I've tried to upload a pre-recorded video into a Sonic Junction comment and just get a never ending "loading uploader"...
1395 thumb Jamie j added to a forum topic: New Here... Hi!
Thanks, I really love B.B. King, his vibrato is amazing. Learning some great stuff on this site, it is really brilliant.
1395 thumb Jamie j added to a forum topic: Separate practise lists for...
It would work just like it does now however it would have seperate lists like subtitles for each teacher/instrument. When you go to add a lesson to your practise list it would add...
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