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Boyd r
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Chicago Shuffle Performance & Introduction
that is really some great playing thanks.
Steve lauder
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How Long Blues Lesson 2
Hi Duke
Thanks again for the positive feedback. The guitar on my last lesson is my L5 Wes. It's kind of special. I am not the kind to collect guitars. Each has to have a place on...
Steve lauder
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Hi Joe, Thanks, of course there are a gazillon Dylan fans who want to know all kinds of things which I cannot answer. All I can say is I was called to come participatate on time...
Steve lauder
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Hi John, at some point soon we will work on a Charlie Christian tune. When it comes to electric guitar there are 2 players that were the main inspiration to all the rest, Charlie...
Duke robillard
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Future Lessons
Steve, It's more of a swing/jazz thing. I don't believe I have a lesson on that one. Duke
Duke robillard
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How Long Blues Lesson 2
Really nice job Steve! I like the vibrato added to it. Is that a Gibson oir Epi Elitist? Duke
Corey harris
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Hi Ryan --- we've updated the tab with full bass and timing. Please let me know how it works for you.
Thanks for being a part of Sonic Junction.
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Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 1
Thanks so much! That is so helpful!
Steve lauder
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How Long Blues Lesson 2
Hey Duke
We'll moving right along, after your positive reinforcement from lesson 1 i thought i'd continue with this song. Looking forward to the next chance to finish the song and...
Steve lauder
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How Long Blues Lesson 2
Mike caren
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Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 1
Hi Ryan --- we've updated the tab with full bass and timing. Please let me know how it works for you.
Thanks for being a part of Sonic Junction.
Duke robillard
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Major/Minor Pentatonics...
Hi Tom, But I need to understand a bit better what you mean. Maybe you could show me in a video or pick a song that includes the type of playing you are speaking of? Thanks,Duke
Duke robillard
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Major/Minor Pentatonics...
Hi Chuck, Paying attention to the differences in sublties of picking, bends, vibrato etc is my best advice for your question. Take one aspect of it at a time when you practice...
Duke robillard
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Major/Minor Pentatonics...
Hi Wayne, I try to pick songs that have at least something different in them. They may be the same chords sometime but there is always a different turnaround of some substitue...
Duke robillard
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How Long Blues Chords
Hi Steve, Very good man.Pinetop may have played it a little different but close. It got to play quite a lot when he was younger in the 70s and 80s. Any you got got it. Sounds good...
Duke robillard
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How Long Blues Chords
Hi Steve, Really good rhythm there. You have a good feel and I enjoyed your tone. Dont worry about the C7. It's a preference thing as to if you want to play the root or the 5 on...
Duke robillard
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Hi This is my first attempt in using a webcam - frustrating. The C7 in the chart is different from what i use in that it has no root but rather uses the G. I found my self using...
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Key to the Highway Performance
Jerry portnoy
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Cold, Cold Feeling Solo Lesson 2
Hi Ros,
Glad you liked the lesson. Learning some basic patterns in first and third position will give you options in the way you approach a song. Third position is especially...
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Masterclass Vibrato
jerry, gracias por tu musica. Para mi tu sonido es escuela.
Boyd r
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Cold, Cold Feeling Solo Lesson 1
I really love this tune
Steve lauder
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How Long Blues Chords
Hi This is my first attempt in using a webcam - frustrating. The C7 in the chart is different from what i use in that it has no root but rather uses the G. I found my self using...
Steve lauder
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How Long Blues Chords
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Thanks for returning to this song, Jerry. The detailed breakdown of the two solos provides a clear roadmap, and the explanation of how driving through the turnaround builds drama...
Allan mandell
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Chicago Blues Fundamentals Stop Time Verses
Hey Duke ~ tried having some fun with this, and man, singing sure tosses in a whole other dimension to keep track of, doesn't it - whew ! Thanks for a great series, really...
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Cold, Cold Feeling Solo Lesson 2
Thanks for returning to this song, Jerry. The detailed breakdown of the two solos provides a clear roadmap, and the explanation of how driving through the turnaround builds drama...
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Major/Minor Pentatonics...
Yeah... but, Albert King said: "Every body one day t'another have the blues... y'see the little baby layin' there in the baby bed... can't get that milk bottle fast enuff..."
Wayne hilliard
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Major/Minor Pentatonics...
Corey harris
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Hammock Blues Melody & Bass
In this lesson we begin by reviewing what was covered last week, then we discuss the importance of the bass line. Pay close attention to the rhythm and tempo of the song and...