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Getting Out of Town IV and V Chord to Finish the 1st Verse
Thanks for this lesson, make it fun.
I can't get the beat out of my head and discovered today that my vacuum cleaner makes a great dance partner.
Jim wood
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Getting Out of Town IV and V Chord to Finish the 1st Verse
Thank you Rick. People around me think I can play this one a little bit but I know better. I don't quite have Estrin's ear, but thanks to you slowing it down I've had a couple of...
Jim fraley
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The Song Is Ended Soloing Lesson 1
Hey Duke,Paul,and Mike,
I'd like to take a stab at this weeks lesson. I've been sick since December with Candida Albicans. Lately I've had
the attention span of a gnat with...
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Open Mic - Feb 14th to Feb...
Tank You Vinny , JD , Alex for your encouragement, I will keep on triyng I'll let you know
Alex barbera
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Open Mic - Feb 14th to Feb...
Duke I am honored by your words. Read them gave me great satisfaction. I remember that people remained impressed when I played this tune in my concerts. I always liked it because...
Alex barbera
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Open Mic - Feb 14th to Feb...
Duke...I've just heard it...classy!!! Actually this is not my version...I've first listened Eric Bibb's version and I've tried to follow it....I could steal some licks of St Louis...
Duke robillard
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Open Mic - Feb 14th to Feb...
Mattia, Really nice performance and song! You and your band sound great and that's a nice tune with an interesting twist. Great guitar playing! you have a great command of your...
Duke robillard
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Open Mic - Feb 14th to Feb...
Hi Paul, Really nice playing. As an old friend of Jerry's I'd say your are really getting the right sound and feeling. Now just lay into it and you're there I'd say. Tony is right...
Duke robillard
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Open Mic - Feb 14th to Feb...
Good playing and sound Michael! I love Rockabilly and in a lot of cases Rockabilly has a lot of swing in it. You sound great! Duke
Duke robillard
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Open Mic - Feb 14th to Feb...
Wow Alex, That was great! Really great guitar playing and you really evoked RJs spirit there. I'm really impressed. When my hand is healed i'm going to pull out my acoustic and...
Duke robillard
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Open Mic - Feb 14th to Feb...
Hi Roger, sounds great, you definately have the right idea and feel. It's not that easy to play like Charlie Christian! I've heard that he played all downstrokes when he soloed...
Duke robillard
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Open Mic - Feb 14th to Feb...
Hey Alex, Really enjoyed your version of "Going Down Slow"! Great classic blues. Have you ever heard it by Saint Loius Jimmy Oden? He wrote it and has one of most unique voices I...
Duke robillard
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Open Mic - Feb 14th to Feb...
hI Vinny, Nice version of Cocaine! enjoyed your guitar playing and singing and those are some interesting additional verses! Fun stuff. Keep up the good work! Duke
Alex barbera
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Open Mic - Feb 14th to Feb...
Thank you Duke....I do appreciate it! :))
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Like what I posted above this is not a video but a "live" one-take recording I did of a track I learned here, "Romance in the Dark." Again, it's a Rode R144 Ribbon mic in front of...
Tim james
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Getting Out of Town IV and V Chord to Finish the 1st Verse
sorry mate, MR. ESTRIN hehe
Rick estrin
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Getting Out of Town IV and V Chord to Finish the 1st Verse
Thank you Tim - I hope you have fun with it.
Tim james
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Getting Out of Town IV and V Chord to Finish the 1st Verse
cheers mr.erin!!!! GREAT SONG AND TEACHIN!!!!!!
Duke robillard
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Open Mic - Feb 14th to Feb...
Vinny - Nice versions of both of these tunes. I like the tremelo on Hideaway also good work. Duke
Duke robillard
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Open Mic - Feb 14th to Feb...
Hi Alex, Nice version of this classic. Enjoyed it very much. Duke
Chuck gillis
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The Song Is Ended Soloing Lesson 1
Great stuff Paul. This is the first time I had someone explain the idea of seeing the chords behind the solo being played, should make it easier to find the notes, I think. Man I...
Duke robillard
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Open Mic - Feb 14th to Feb...
Hi Sunny, Very nice rendition of the song! The rhythm is very close and good feeling with it. Nice vocal also. I've played in Ankara several years ago. Keep up the good work! Duke
Duke robillard
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Open Mic - Feb 14th to Feb...
Hi Smoke House, Very nice version of Catfish Blues there. good feeling and singing also! Duke
Duke robillard
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Charlie Christian
John, I will pick a CC song soon to teach. There are quite a few requests for one. Thanks, Duke
Duke robillard
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57' tweed deluxe
Hi Matt, Louis Electric amps are great and he can build any kind of amp you want! I love mine. Duke
Duke robillard
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The Song Is Ended B Section & Last A Section Chords
Hi Charles, I hope that helps! Duke.
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New Website
Thanks for the practice list -- much easier to find what I'm looking for.
Matt levy
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New Website
I learned the tune off your Roomful recording, which is in F#. Trying to do it in G messed me up! :)
Matt levy
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57' tweed deluxe
I recently traded my 1966 ES-335 for a Louis Electric KR-12. I wasn't playing the 335 any more, and that amp is fantastic!
I only looked at the amp because of your...
Charles o'brien
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Charlie Christian
I'll add my voice to the request for a Charlie Christian lesson. Any song--blues, rhythm changes, whatever--will be welcome. Also, I'd love to get Duke's take on Chuck Berry, whose...