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Rick estrin
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Lightnin' 9th Verse and Ending
Hey Sonic Junction -
This week we'll be wrapping up the lessons on my version of James Cotton's classic piece, "Lightnin", tackling the last two verses. Verse eight begins with...
Corey harris
published a lesson:
John Henry Slide Technique & Practicing the Melody
We're re-issuing one of Corey's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated sheet music.
This week we review how to hold the slide and talk about how to integrate your...
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Floyd's Guitar Blues 2nd Chorus Breakdown
Thanks for the tip, I'm getting that album right now! The Dinah album is 'Back to the Blues' (I bet you have it somehwere - if not you're gonna love it : )...
Duke robillard
published a lesson:
Floyd's Guitar Blues Backing Track
Hi Friends,
This week we have the track to play along with for Floyd's Guitar Blues. I feel we laid down a nice groove for you to play over here and I'm looking forward to hearing...
Duke robillard
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Floyd's Guitar Blues 2nd Chorus Breakdown
Charlie, I'm not aware of that album Billy Butler did with Dinah. What is it called? Billy has a few solo albums on Prestige also. Some of my favorite Billy Butler is on an album...
Duke robillard
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Floyd's Guitar Blues 2nd Chorus Breakdown
Hi Marty, Thanks for that one! That is a great idea and I'll come up with a classic tune to teach in this genre. I've been recording a love of songs in this genre lately for...
Duke robillard
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Floyd's Guitar Blues 2nd Chorus Breakdown
Hi Bruce, Thanks for your input! All great ideas. I have to say, my students have great taste in music! Duke
Duke robillard
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Floyd's Guitar Blues 2nd Chorus Breakdown
Hi Charlie, Thanks so much for your input and comments. It's good to know that you are interested in the direction I love and teach. Thanks, Duke
Marty perry
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Floyd's Guitar Blues 2nd Chorus Breakdown
Hi Duke,
I'd love a lesson on gospel style blues. Something along the lines of Worth Waiting' On from your Blues Full Circle album.
Thanks- Marty
Corey harris
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You Got To Move Rhythm and Melody
Greetings Augustin and thanks for posting a video. I like you steady tempo here and you have a good tone coming out of your guitar here. I would say to listen a little more...
Corey harris
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Hi Corey – Great lesson. This is my first post,let me know what you think. I had to make some changes to accommodate for the lap guitar and my current skills. No singing for...
Corey harris
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Sweet Black Angel Intro & Chords
Great Carlos Welcome back. Feel free to post a video anytime.
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Here's my take on Ginseng Sullivan. Not my best, but after so many attempts this is my average performance 😂 I'm far from improvising or making my own solos, but it's a goal for...
Torgeir jorem
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Here's my take on Ginseng Sullivan. Not my best, but after so many attempts this is my average performance 😂 I'm far from improvising or making my own solos, but it's a goal for...
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Ginseng Sullivan Double Stops in Harmony for Solos
Here's my take on Ginseng Sullivan. Not my best, but after so many attempts this is my average performance 😂 I'm far from improvising or making my own solos, but it's a goal for...
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Hey Chris! Cool lesson and very fun song to sing along to. Here's my try on it with an attempt to make some ideas on soloing (parts I have used from your lesson also).
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Hey Chris! Cool lesson and very fun song to sing along to. Here's my try on it with an attempt to make some ideas on soloing (parts I have used from your lesson also).
Torgeir jorem
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Any Old Time A Peek Toward Swing Guitar
Hey Chris! Cool lesson and very fun song to sing along to. Here's my try on it with an attempt to make some ideas on soloing (parts I have used from your lesson also).
Michael brown
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New Song Request
Hi Chris, You probably already have an idea what you are doing this year based on the number of great recommendations mentioned in previous posts but any chance you would consider...
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Fun one Duke.
Rick estrin
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Lightnin' 2nd and 3rd Verse Breakdown
Glad you like it, Boyd!
Boyd r
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Lightnin' 2nd and 3rd Verse Breakdown
3rd Verse is a little tricky, I like it
Bruce dumes
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Floyd's Guitar Blues 2nd Chorus Breakdown
One of the great things about your lessons is being introduced to players like Billy Butler and Bill Jennings. There's enough to keep a student busy for years!
But I also love it...
Kip marchetti
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Ok Chris, here's my shot at the A part with some of the syncopations. It is all about flow!
Rick estrin
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Lightnin' 8th Verse Breakdown
Just keep working on it - You'll get it!
Boyd r
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Lightnin' 8th Verse Breakdown
I can get the blow bend note ten, I can't hold the high note
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Ok Chris, here's my shot at the A part with some of the syncopations. It is all about flow!
James macklin
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Under The Double Eagle Syncopation Detail
Ok Chris, here's my shot at the A part with some of the syncopations. It is all about flow!
Kip marchetti
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Chris, here is one more - I've been working on getting the basic melody down for Under The Double Eagle. It took awhile to get the groove down, but let me know your thoughts...