stephane y'a aucune problem...ton anglais est tres bon...yes the bottleneck is rounded at the top...not quite closed...there is a small hole at the top...for air I guess. You can make your own...find brass pipes from an old demolished house and find someone who can cut it for you. A machine shop might be able to even change the shape so that it is round at the top. Otherwise, Tom has a very good suggestion....thanks for your comment.
I wish I could tell you where I buy this one or the brand name but I don't remember. I prefer a thick glass slide if I am playing a normal wood body guitar. If I am playing a reonator such as a National then I prefer a heavy, short brass slide.
thanks Corey for your answer. your bottleneck seems to be closed at the top, i think it's really practical, but i don't find any like yours.
otherwise, i'm new on this site. thanks for sharing your work that i admiring, for your teaching method. and sorry for my english :)
stephane y'a aucune problem...ton anglais est tres bon...yes the bottleneck is rounded at the top...not quite closed...there is a small hole at the top...for air I guess. You can make your own...find brass pipes from an old demolished house and find someone who can cut it for you. A machine shop might be able to even change the shape so that it is round at the top. Otherwise, Tom has a very good suggestion....thanks for your comment.
hello Corey,
what sort of bottleneck do you use ?
I wish I could tell you where I buy this one or the brand name but I don't remember. I prefer a thick glass slide if I am playing a normal wood body guitar. If I am playing a reonator such as a National then I prefer a heavy, short brass slide.