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Duke Robillard

Lesson >

T Bone Walker

Stormy Monday Solo 2

Duke Robillard Lesson >

T Bone Walker > Stormy Monday Solo 2

Hi Folks, This week we are doing the final T-Bone Stormy Monday lesson. More T-Bone soloing ideas here plus one of his coolest licks on the 4 chord from the original version. I add in lots of ideas for solos here that can be used for several choruses of improvisation. The idea here is that you absorb the licks and start soloing using the basic techniques of his solo style. There's lots to choose from so pick what you like, mix and match and try creating your own solos using these elements. That's the best way to learn, try to make your own solos within the framework of what I have given you in these lessons.

Enjoy, Duke

Topics and/or subjects covered in this lesson:
texas blues

Print Print Chords & Tab

 loop @ 1:45

 I chord riff

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0TAB535^5^5^5^5^v35355353535^v3


 loop @ 4:08

 IV chord riff

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0TAB535355^5353


 loop @ 5:11

 double time riff

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0TAB3h536^3h5p3636^33535


 loop @ 5:56

 chorus of solo with double time riff


 loop @ 7:28

 second position IV chord

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0TAB/9811/9108/436/453


 loop @ 10:13

 V lick

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0TAB3635^v35^3


 loop @ 11:15



 loop @ 12:58

 chorus ideas


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Steve Lauder
Steve Lauder Aug 02, 2017

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Same structure, Glamour Girl. 

Thanks Duke. 



Duke Robillard
Duke Robillard Dec 29, 2014

Thanks Bruce

Duke Robillard
Duke Robillard Dec 28, 2014

Hey Bruce, You sound great! And that axe also! I had one just like it and wish I still had it. What a great tone. It sounds like a big hollow telecaster! You time and phrasing both sound really good here. Nothing like a new old guitar to get you inspired! Duke 

Bruce Dumes
Bruce Dumes Dec 28, 2014

Thanks a lot, Duke! I really appreciate that! Even though I still expect more from myself, it's very reassuring to hear that I'm headed in the right direction. And yeah, that Epiphone is just great; it really gives me an insight into approaching this style of playing. I'm going to go back and work on T-Bone Shuffle again! Once again, Happy New Year, hope you have a great gig! I'll be home with my wife and my Epi. :-)

Bruce Dumes
Bruce Dumes Dec 28, 2014

Hey Duke! Well, I've got a new guitar! I walked into a local shop yesterday, and what did I see but a beautiful '42 Epiphone Century for a very (well, relatively) decent price. All original except for the tuners and the wheels on the bridge. It's made a real difference in my feel, I think. And it sounds killer, just wonderful for this type of music. I haven't completely conquered my rushing issues, but I think it's improved a lot. Hope you think so too, but I absolutely want your honest opinion. There's only a couple of moments in this one that make me cringe. :-) Once I've got my timing and phrasing under control, then I want to move on to creating more interesting and melodic ideas. But I feel like I've got to put the timing issues to bed before doing anything else. I think a poor note choice here and there is a lot more acceptible than poor timing. Anyway, THANKS again! And Happy New Year! Bruce

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Duke Robillard
Duke Robillard Dec 26, 2014

You are very welcome Bruce! Duke 

Duke Robillard
Duke Robillard Dec 26, 2014

 Hi Bruce, Very good! I do see quite a bit of improvement there from your last video. You're phrasing is coming together nicely but there is still a tendency to rush a bit. Not as much as before but a little bit. Also, I can tell your action is very low on your tele. If you raise your action a bit it may help make your sound clearer and make it a little easier to pull back on the beat. Of action is a personal thing so that's up to you. Good job! keep at it, I am seeing lots of improvement. Duke 

Bruce Dumes
Bruce Dumes Dec 26, 2014

Thank you, Duke! It is indeed a struggle for me not to rush, and I'm very grateful to you for taking me to task for it. That's a *very* interesting comment about the action! I've been using my Tele for this because I've got heavier strings on it and so it's harder to bend the strings, so that I don't lapse into more "modern" bigger bends. I'll definitely look into having the action raised (or trying it with one of my other guitars) and see if that helps.

Again, thanks *so* much! Your insights are making a real difference in my playing, and I'm very, very grateful.

Bruce Dumes
Bruce Dumes Dec 25, 2014

Hey Duke. Here's at attempt at doing Stormy Monday. Some flubs, as usual ;-) but it's better than I ever thought I'd be on guitar and it's getting better each time I play it. Thanks so much for doing it and I'd love to get your feedback on it. Thanks again!



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Duke Robillard
Duke Robillard Jun 14, 2012

My Next set of lessons are on the T-Bone Walker classic T-Bone Shuffle. A great tune with a great "head" or theme. This one should be lots of fun! 

Duke Robillard
Duke Robillard Jun 14, 2012

Hi Doug, Looking forward to seeing a video of you playing. Duke

Duke Robillard
Duke Robillard Jun 13, 2012

Hey Rick, Nice take on T-Bone! I  like how you used the turn around from Two Bones and a pick for a slow blues turn around. Nice pickin'! Duke

Douglas Irwin
Douglas Irwin Jun 13, 2012


I will work on video of me playing. I have never done that, guess I like to leave a little to my imagination instead to the reality to how I play:) Time to grow and face the music. Thanks for the reply.

Mike Caren
Mike Caren Jun 13, 2012

Hi Guys ... video issue is fixed.  The URL had too many YouTube tracking parameters.  We will update out software to take these out in the future.

Great playing Rick!

Duke Robillard
Duke Robillard Jun 13, 2012

Hi Rick, I tried a few times but couldn't get your video to play. Maybe consult Mike about it and he most likely can help. Duke

Duke Robillard
Duke Robillard Jun 12, 2012

Hi Michael, Thank you very much. Hollywood Fats was fabulous. I had the chance in the early 70s to sit in several nights with Muddy Waters when Fat's was his guitarist and it was always a great experience! Post Rock This House here and I'll see what I can do! Duke

Duke Robillard
Duke Robillard Jun 12, 2012

Hi Doug, For the most part the repetition of working on it consistintly is the thing that will make light bulbs go off from time to time and that's when you know you are really "getting it" as they say. As always I tell everyone to post videos or just audio here so I can coment and be of help to you andf everyone else. 

Duke Robillard
Duke Robillard Jun 12, 2012

Hi Rick, Thanks for the feedback! I learn alot myself by "deconstructing" the riffs. I am very have that people seem to be getting quite a bit out of thgese lessons. Hopefully as my students improve, I will improve as a teacher and what I offer will continue to grow. Thanks! Duke  

Douglas Irwin
Douglas Irwin Jun 09, 2012

Rreally enjoyed T-Bone lessons. I play with it all the time, but I miss the real sound more than I hit it. I know it is basically easy, but just skips by me?? I am a work in progress and really love watching your videos to help. 

Thanks for the great lessons.

Doug Irwin

Michael Stroh
Michael Stroh Jun 09, 2012

Duke! You are my hero. How about a lesson on Hollywood Fats and his Rock This House? You're such a fantastic teacher and player.

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