I wanted to take a moment to let Jerry know how helpful and inspiring his instruction is. I think the website concept is great. I am definately sticking around.
I also want to thank Ricky for helping me practice. You are critical to the operation!
Hi Craig --- glad you are enjoying Jerry. Yes, it's great to have Ricky King Russell a part of Sonic Junction. We just published a lesson today "How Long Blues" where Rick plays the backing track.
Hi Alex --- great question. It was actually missing.
I have just updated all of the San Ho Zay lessons. You should now see the backing track right under the webcam recorder on the top right side of the screen.
Thanks for pointing this out and enjoy Duke!
Hi Mike,
Excellent lessons.
I'm looking for some guidance on where to start and how to proceed.
So far my efforts are somewhat random.
Is there an order to how Duke and Corey progress lessons?
What is the oldest lesson - That's Alright and Everybody Ought to Change?
Is there an order to how lessons are listed down the page?
Is there any order or rating indicating difficulty?
Hi Graham --- great questions.
For each of the Artists Hub pages we have some of their most popular lessons at the top along with their current lesson. Just below that we have a section called All Lessons which is in chronological order. Each lesson series generally starts at the intermediate level and get progressively harder.
To better answer & recommend some lessons, I have three questions
1. when you preview songs on Duke and Corey's Artist Hub pages --- what inspires you?
2. if you look at a couple lessons, do they appear challenging, about right or a little easy?
3. how interested are you in branching out to get new ideas?
Once I know these, I think I will be able to find you a good first set of lessons. After that --- I think inspiration will be your best guide.
I hope that helps.
Hi Mike,
I posted a response to your Feb 03 post on Feb 04 but no response after six weeks
Perhaps there is something on the site that answers the questions originally asked?
I've never used a forum before so perhaps I'm missing something?
The questions were -
Is there an order to how Duke and Corey progress lessons?
What is the oldest lesson - That's Alright and Everybody Ought to Change?
Is there an order to how lessons are listed down the page?
Is there any order or rating indicating difficulty?
Hi Graham --- thanks for the message and sorry for the issue / confusion. I don't (and didn't) see your Feb 04 post. When you type in a reponse --- it will show up within a second or two.
To answer your questions
1. Duke and Corey pick tunes based on breadth and exposure to different Artists, techniques and ideas
2. Corey's oldest lesson is Everybody Ought to Change --- Duke's is Blues A Rama
3. Duke and Corey's lessons are listed in chronological order
4. We don't rate the difficulty of the lessons. Typically the first lesson in each series is the easiest.
I hope that helps and please let me know if you have any follow up questions.