Hello fellow guitarists, I would like to know your opinion and advice about a project I have.
I have an Harmony / Silvertone Stratone, the semi-hollow model (no f-hole) that have 2 great sounding pickups (Dearmond Harshey bar) but the neck have to much relief, bad frets and no truss rod. And I have a nice Fender Stratocaster MIJ 50's reissue guitar that play very well and look very good (green surf, maple neck).
Since I really love the tone off these pickups I'm thinking about ordering a blank pickguard and install the 2 Dearmond pickups on the stratocaster. Do you think its a good idea?

I have a Fender Telecaster with A DeArmond "Hershey Bar" pick-up in the neck position, and
it sounds great. What I might do is find another guitar to put the pickups in and leave the Strat intact.
Good Luck!