Big news! -- Sonic Junction's very own Duke Robillard is touring with Bob Dylan as he headlines the Americanarama Festival of Music, a 26-date U.S. summer tour.
Earlier this year, Bob Dylan approached Duke to join him on stage as his guitarist. Having known each other for some time and worked together on Dylan's acclaimed album Time Out of Mind, Dylan's invitation testifies to the esteem Duke holds among Duke's many collaborators / admirers -- Herb Ellis, Jimmy Witherspoon, Dr. John, Tom Waits and more.
Duke is committed to staying connected with all of us here at Sonic Junction while on the road -- he has technology with him to bring you the same intimate weekly lessons and personal feedback, as well as share his insights about the tour. Feel free to ask Duke any questions you may have.
A big congratulations to Duke!

And congratultions to Bob Dylan for getting to perform with Duke!
Big fan of both guys, I'll have to look into the tour dates to see if there's one I can get to.
I guess that's a pedal or non pedal steel there behind Bob. Cool!

Duke, it is no surprise that one of the greatest songwriters of all time would tap you to back him up. That said, I am pumped to see the Duke Robilliard Band later this month at 41 Bridge Street (More guitar solos!).

Congratulations, Duke! Playing with Dylan has got to be a thrill. Glad to see a mention of Herb Ellis among your faves---I have learned a lot from his three "shapes" books. Love to hear him play. You too! Glad I found "Sonic Junction," and am thrilled to be learning from a guy who loves so much of the same music that made me want to play guitar in the first place!

hi Duke,
Sad news about Larry Taylor..... saw him here in Oz only last year.
Also did there used to be a lesson "all of me" or am I having a senior moment?
Kindest regards Terry