Hi All,
As you probably noticed, we've updated Sonic Junction. Our goals for the redesign were to
- make lesson videos bigger
- more room for tab and chord charts
- print out of tab and chords
- make recording and uploading videos easier and clearer
- make it easier and quicker to browse lessons
- locate the backing tracks directly under the webcam recorder AND let you look at the tab / chords at the same time
- increase the size of uploaded videos to match YouTube embedded videos
- simplify and clean up the design
We hope you enjoy it --- and please let us know what you think.

I am unable to open up any of the early lessons such as Moten swing, Lester Leaps In, Swinging the Blues or blues a Rama On my iPad. I can open them on my PC. Any idea why they won't open on the iPad or what can be done to help. I'm dying to learn those chords.

Hi Doug --- good question. Duke's earlier lessons (Blues A Rama & Swingin the Blues) are in Flash, so they don't work with the iPad, iPhone etc.
Apple may choose to support Flash at some point --- but I have not seen anything concrete about it. We will also likely update those lessons, but probably not for another year (we want to get our new tab / chord system fully polished before doing the switch).
For now, my recommendation would be to use your PC for theses lessons. You can also print out all of the chords / tab for these lessons if you want off-line access.
I agree --- there is a huge amount of beautiful music in those lessons!

I like going its be to hard getting use to. I hope when Its time renew my membership up again. I hope you don't have to go threw paypal again I'm still trying to get my money back. the first time I tried to get my money back they wanted me to give bank account, and passwords to my from my bank. Paypal is not very good. I don't like paypal. This well be fourth time to my money back.;

Hi Boyd. Glad you like the new design. Yes, there are a lot of changes to get use to. After you use it for a week or two, I think you will find it easier and more enjoyable.
I appreciate the feedback on PayPal. We use PayPal because it is very secure and the most popular online payment system in the world. I know that it can be cumbersome to get refunds out of and our process of giving manual refunds for people that purchase the annual special could be better.
We do plan on integrating credit / debit card payments directly into the site in 2014. It will make managing payments easier and simpler. Our plan is to continue to support PayPal for those that want to use it.

I love this site and Jerry's teaching, and appreciate the clean look and the larger windows of the new design. But what's the easiest way to navigate between different lessons relating to the same song? Previously, I scrolled down the list of archived lessons (along the right-hand side of the screen) and could make a quick switch, but now I don't see that feature. For example, say I'm practising "Don't get around much anymore." With the new design it's one click to get to Jerry's archived lessons, then a long scroll down to the lessons for that particular song. So I refresh my memory by playing "performance," but then how best to get to the backing track without having to scroll from the top again through the lessons? Is there a search function to type in the name of the song? The new version seems to require browsing through lots of material to find what I want. Please help put me on the right track with tips to navigate the new site. Thanks, Roz

Hi Michael --- thanks for the kinds words. Glad you are enjoying it. As you keep using the new site please let us know what you like and any frustrations / issue you have (that we can fix). Thanks.
Hi Ros --- great feedback, thank you. Yes, I totally agree with your use case. To make sure I got it --- you would like a quick and easy way to switch between lessons on the same song --- so you can go between the lesson, performance and backing tracks quickly and easily (ideally from one lesson page to another). Thanks.

Hello Everyone, I would like to point out and apoligize for doing one of my Texas Flood lessons in F# instead of G. I have always played it in F# live and I believe on the Roomful recording also. So I spaced and went back to my old habits on that one. The lessons for the most part are in G, a more normal key. Sorry if I've caused any confusion! Duke

I learned the tune off your Roomful recording, which is in F#. Trying to do it in G messed me up! :)

I justed wanted to say that I really like the new website design. Great job !

Hi everyone
Maybe its just me but Duke's new lesson "too hot to handle"has'nt loaded as the new lesson.I only found it when I went to whats new.

Hi Robert --- you're right! Great catch.
You will now see it on Duke's Artist Hub page as the current lesson.
Thanks for bringing the issue to our attention.

Well, this last one from Duke did it - I'm in. To get this stuff from a master who clearly loves to teach and pass on a lotta scratch is just gold. The best I have seen and as close to sittin down on the front porch as it gets, yeah? Many thanks for the great work you are doing with this site.

Really like the new format.
A good company always upgrades as they grow...

Hi Lizalu --- thanks for the feedback. After the "featured" section, we organize the lessons chronologically, with the latest on the bottom. We thought this made more sense, especially for new users. This is the opposite to what we had before. I can see and understand your frustration.
One question.
Do you typically practice and/or work on a set of songs and/or lessons?
I'm asking as we are working on a feature called a "practice list" which is essentially a set of bookmarked lessons. They would be in your username menu --- at the upper right corner of your screen. The goal would be to provide you an easy way to move between the lessons that you are actively working on.
Agreed that a better search would help as things get larger. We probably won't have this in the short term --- but will work on it for a future release.
We are also working on Ros's request of an easy way to navigate between lessons of the same song.
Thanks for the feedback and would be great to get your thoughts about the "pracitce list."

Hi Mike,
Yes, please -- a practice list would be an improvement. Following up on your question to Lizalu, I work on a set of songs and lessons. A practice list and an easy way to navigate between lessons of the same song would be great. Warm wishes and thanks.

I'm 64, played some guitar in my youth, but since I retired started learning to play the harmonica (blues style). I could never find sheet music with tabutation on it for the riffs. Your explanation on how playing a harmonica was comparable to singing clairified things and changed the way I approach my practicess. Thank you for your lessons; they've connected for me.
Going back to the life I have now.