It's here. The Sonic Junction Android App.
A request we've gotten is the ability to watch lessons anywhere, anytime, with or without an internet connection. We heard you and have been working hard to make this happen.
Today we're pleased to introduce the Sonic Junction Android App. Now, any lesson on your practice list can be sync'd and stored automatically to your Android phone or tablet, so you can learn from the Legends on-the-go.
The Android App is free for all Sonic Junction Members.
With the App, you get these features:
- Automatic download and sync of your practice list and lessons
- Loop points, chords & tab
- Custom looper
- Browse, add and subtract lessons from your practice list
To download and check-out the Sonic Junction app, click here to get it at the Google Play Store:
A fantastic group of Sonic Junction Members tested the app thoroughly during its development. I want to sincerely thank them for their time and input in making this a great release.
Thanks being part of Sonic Junction. We're always striving to make this a rewarding and fun place for you to learn, and hope you enjoy the app.
Founder, Sonic Junction

I can't find the android app in the Android Play store? I would like to try it. I have Android version 5.

I just signed up, and I wanted to try the app but I couldn't find it on the google play store.
Thanks for your help!

Hi Vincent -- welcome to Sonic Junction. We decided to focus our efforts on iOS and discontinued the Android App. You can still access all of the lessons via the web on your mobile / tablet device. Thanks.

Hey Mike,
Thanks for your answer.
I've started doing just that. Looking forward to a lot of fun and learning.
Hoping you will be making the site responsive in the future ;)

I just got a new phone and looking to download sonicjunction app again but cannot locate on google play? Is it still available? Thanks