Daniel James
Dec 13, 2014
We just had this amazing harp blowout here in Phoenix:
And watching the first series of players, it becomes very apparent that being able to sing really adds to the performance.
I figure you can learn just about anything on line nowadays. Do any of you have any suggestions or guidance for someone wanting to learn how to sing?

Eric Betts
Jul 05, 2015
Check out New York Vocal Coaching and Eric Arceneaux on YoutTube and get thee to a teacher! You won't regret it.

Daniel James
Jul 08, 2015
I have been working with Jeff Rolka-who I found on youtube and have been having a great experience!

Terry Church
Aug 08, 2016
Have you noticed Corey Harris' four-part lesson on singing? I've never tried to sing before, and it has even me trying!