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Shorty garcia
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Texas Jump Blues Backing Track
great take. ps. nice shirt too. pps. wow its hard to come up with enough chops for 9 choruses!!
Duke robillard
published a lesson:
Texas Jump Blues Backing Track
Hi Folks,
This week we are playing with the backing track for Texas Hop. It's a jumping shuffle rhythm and an awful lot of fun rhythm to play over. So lets see some videos or even...
Jerry portnoy
published a lesson:
Big Boss Man Introduction Breakdown
Reissue Lesson > We've updated the lesson with re-mastered video. Enjoy.
From Jerry: Here's the breakdown of the intro to "Big Boss Man." I throw in a tongue roll as I hit the...
Chris eldridge
published a lesson:
Mississippi Valley Learning the Tune!
This week’s lesson is pretty straightforward: I’ll be teaching you to play the melody to this wonderfully crooked tune. In addition there’s a pep talk and antecdote...
Corey harris
published a lesson:
Honeysuckle Breakdown of Main Body
We're re-issuing one of Corey's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated sheet music. From Corey:
Greetings! In this second lesson for my tune, Honeysuckle I show...
Harry roullier
added to a forum topic:
I want my dog to live longer
Does anybody know where I can find out how to play " I want my dog to live longer." What little I can find online in the way of chords is off. I found a video, of them playing...
Mike widman
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Whiskey Before Breakfast Basic Version
Andre loiselle
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Moan A Chrome First Chorus Breakdown
Hi Dennis !! when I watch you play ... you start with counting 1,2,3,and 4 ,like counting the beats , and when you play i can see your head and body still counting , are you able...
Bruce dumes
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Texas Jump Blues Final Shout Chorus
Hey Duke! I've had a lot of fun and learned a lot working on this one. I worked on your parts and then went back and did my best to play my version/interpretation of Pee Wee's...
Dennis gruenling
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Thank s a thousand time Mike !!
Andre loiselle
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Moan A Chrome First Chorus Breakdown
Thank s a thousand time Mike !!
Dennis gruenling
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Moan A Chrome Sixth Chorus Breakdown
Thanks! Yes, the blues harp world has a lot to listen to and learn from!
Dennis gruenling
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Thanks. I am always interested in players I have not yet heard but I also feel like the universe of blues harp holds more than I can explore in a lifetime. Plus it's what I really...
Corey harris
published a lesson:
Honeysuckle Run-Through and Intro Breakdown
We're re-issuing one of Corey's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated sheet music. From Corey:
In this first lesson I will show you how to play the intro and...
Boyd r
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Big Boss Man Performance of Tune
Nice to work on it
Mike caren
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Moan A Chrome First Chorus Breakdown
Thanks for the reminder. The track is up.
Duke robillard
published a lesson:
Texas Jump Blues Final Shout Chorus
Hello Folks,
We've come to the final lesson for Texas Hop and I sincerely hope you all are having fun with it. This we are learning the final shout chorus into the rhythm for the...
Jerry portnoy
published a lesson:
Big Boss Man Performance of Tune
Reissue Lesson > We've updated the lesson with re-mastered video. Enjoy.
From Jerry:
Big Boss Man: Performance. Here's Rick and I with the Jimmy Reed classic Big Boss Man....
Andre loiselle
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Moan A Chrome First Chorus Breakdown
Hi Dennis !! is it possible to have a Backing track ??
Mike barber
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Hi Chris -
I should be cutting the grass but here I am picking on Billy in the Lowground. Always a work in progress.
Bill blatner
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Moan A Chrome Sixth Chorus Breakdown
Thanks. I am always interested in players I have not yet heard but I also feel like the universe of blues harp holds more than I can explore in a lifetime. Plus it's what I really...
Dennis gruenling
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Moan A Chrome Sixth Chorus Breakdown
Man, I'm not really on the up and up with jazz players nowadays. Most of the time I am turned off by their tone, sound, and cramped sense of phrasing. As far as players who are...
Bill blatner
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Moan A Chrome Sixth Chorus Breakdown
Any particular jazz players, besides Toots, that you think are especially expressive?
Dennis gruenling
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Hi Dennis !!
There s no Backing track ??
Andre loiselle
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Moan A Chrome Performance and Introduction
Hi Dennis !!
There s no Backing track ??
Mike barber
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Thanks for the lessons! I'm primarily a rhythm player and songwriter, and I'm looking forward to pushing myself across the board through your videos. I'm self-taught - or...
Rick estrin
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Half Steppin' Third Chorus Breakdown
Glad you like it, Boyd! You’ve got the right idea - take your time, be patient with yourself, and have fun with it!
Boyd r
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Half Steppin' Third Chorus Breakdown
WhAT a great lesson, I'm stuck on the third chorus. But I'll get it. Going to take time. I never give up it's fun
Dennis gruenling
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Moan A Chrome Sixth Chorus Breakdown
Hi - yes, I tend to agree that with almost all jazz lpayers I hear, the range of tone and expression of each individual note is not nearly as wide as with a good blues player. Not...
Dennis gruenling
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This all makes a lot of sense. I recently saw Hendrik Muerkel, a jazz harp player, and he played all single notes. He was great but the wide range of tones, sounds, percussive...