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Eric betts
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Ideas for learning how to...
Check out New York Vocal Coaching and Eric Arceneaux on YoutTube and get thee to a teacher! You won't regret it.
Tom k.
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Salute to Charlie Christian Chords
Wow , really nice changes . Can't wait for the head . Thanks Paul .Good stuff .
Tom k.
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I thought you all would like this one Tom, Thanks, Duke
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Salute to Charlie Christian Chords
Here's my cut - I don't always feel I have the fat E string under control, especially around the Gb and F. But listening back it doesn't sound too bad...
This is a great tune...
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lesson request
That's great news. you've just made my day. very exciting :))
i I just love that song (well, everything you do) but the way you begin that song with the thumps and then this...
Corey harris
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Dry Spell Blues Run-Through and Main Riff
Greetings James.... Yes I use Jim Dunlop metal picks. I am glad that you switched to the little finger for the slide. I find that it opens up a whole world of possibilities...
Corey harris
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Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 1
Thanks James for sharing that story. I'm glad it's coming together for you. Keep playing!
Corey harris
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Dry Spell Blues Main Riff Practice Loop and Variations
Sounds good Harry. Nice and simple. I would only say to play just a little bit more behind the beat.
Corey harris
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You Got To Move Rhythm and Melody
Greetings and thanks! ON the resonator I use light guage strings with an unwound third that I buy separately. Sometimes I might also buy a .32 nickel wound string because I use...
Corey harris
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Devil Got My Woman Run-Through, Rhythm and Bass
I don't actually play any other songs in that tuning. But I will learn!
Corey harris
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Devil Got My Woman Run-Through, Rhythm and Bass
Greetings Michael and thanks for your message. Yes I like how you say..."can become a friend with a litte patience and frequency." That is so true. Yes I will be in Australia for...
Corey harris
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Hi again Corey, I think I will finally start to become one of the team.Which is a pretty cool bunch of players from what i see. : )
I'm not sure if your Q was directed at me but i...
Corey harris
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lesson request
Greetings and thanks. What exactly are you having trouble with in the song? I WILL be coming to Australia Sept 24 thru Oct 10. Hope to see you there.
Corey harris
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Catfish Blues Main Riff
Wow many thanks. I am happy that you are here on sonic junction. Yes Lightnin Hopkins was one of my first inspirations in blues for sure. Al the best to you.
Corey harris
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Catfish Blues Main Riff
Greetings James you are getting it. Just setttle in and enjoy the ride. When you get it how you want it. bless us with a post of your efforts. Thanks
Corey harris
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Catfish Blues Main Riff
Wow thanks. Yes I love Hendrix.
Corey harris
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Catfish Blues Main Riff
James that's it....repetition. I'm glad that you are getting it. Honor!
Bruce dumes
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Salute to Charlie Christian Chords
Wow, as Peter said, that is indeed a stretch! Great tune and sweet arrangement, Paul!
Duke, I was absolutely delighted to read on Facebook that all went well with your operation....
Mike caren
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Salute to Charlie Christian Chords
Love that progression and the chord voicings --- it's a keeper. I may try and write a song or two around it.
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Salute to Charlie Christian Chords
Great lesson and great advice on challenging ourselves. Thanks Paul - I was watching Barney Kessel talk the other day and he was saying to always try and hum, sing or whistle what...
Poupa claudio
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Trouble In Mind Singing and Simple Solo
Thanks for this song Corey..
also for turnarounds in E
Duke robillard
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Salute to Charlie Christian Chords
Hi Peter, Yes it is Peter but the more you stretch, the more you are able to. Duke
Duke robillard
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Salute to Charlie Christian Chords
I thought you all would like this one Tom, Thanks, Duke
Tom k.
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Salute to Charlie Christian Chords
Nice . Thanks .
Duke robillard
published a lesson:
Salute to Charlie Christian Chords
Hello Folks,
This week Paul Kolesnikow gives us a month of swinging lessons on Barney Kessel's Salute to Charlie Christian. And indeed it is swinging tune with a chord progression...
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Boats Up the River Bass and First Riff
Of course you're right. I had the pleasure of seeing and hearing Elizibeth Cotton. There were few new tunes in the folk movement , everyone mostly sang what had been prveviosly...
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Boats Up the River Bass and First Riff
Quick story about your words. I taught a young woman how to play because she had broken her leg and couldn't leave the guest house ( I dont remember what country). It came time for...
Corey harris
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Dry Spell Blues Endings and Right Hand Technique
This week we will wrap up our lesson with a demonstration of a few endings. Keep in mind that I put together my own ending that fits without copying exactly what Son House does in...
Jerry portnoy
published a lesson:
Nine Below Zero Second Half of First Verse
In this lesson we'll incorporate some hand effects and vowel sounds including - Wah Wahs, fanning, and "ow" sounds. I also introduce Sonnyboy's characteristic treatment of the...
Steve lauder
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Slow Blues in C Lesson 1
Thanks Duke
Looking forward to the next lesson.