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6 thumb Duke robillard left a comment on: Blues After Hours Lesson 3
Iterenzi, yes alot of that is true for sure. I would love for you to post a vidio for me to check out!
34 thumb Lterenzi left a comment on: Blues After Hours Lesson 3
I love the bit you talk about with the old fellas fighting thier guitars, strings, the sloppiness that comes form all that (which I love) I always say "All us young guns and modern...
7 thumb Corey harris left a comment on: Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 3
@Alex...thanks for the Earthday wishes.  Your playing is coming along.  I suggest that you go back and listen to the original version as well as my version, then play the licks...
509 thumb Alex barbera left a comment on: Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 3's my attempt with keep your lamp...I started doing the melody, then I ad the bass, after the voice....and the ending is my joyfull "tribute" to BWJ :))) Happy...
7 thumb Corey harris left a comment on: Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 3
@Mike...yes it is coming along.  Pay attention to controlling your slide and use the vibrato more.  Also focus on the notes in the line and make sure they are the same notes I am...
509 thumb Alex barbera left a comment on: Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 2
@Corey....I have a friend down in Sardinia who's a liuther...When I come back there I will ask him some help...anyway, I have another guitar whose action is much more higher than...
509 thumb Alex barbera left a comment on: Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 3
@Mike....This is great!!!! :)) Now your sound is so much full!!!!:)))))
409 thumb Mike caren left a comment on: Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 3
Hi Corey .. really enjoying this song .. thanks!  Here's a video of where I am.  I got the thumb and melody working together (most of the time).  Now I'm on to phrasing, lighter...
7 thumb Corey harris left a comment on: Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 2 more thing.  If you know anyone who has a machine shop and can work with metal, you might want to go look for some old brass pipe (from an old house) and then have them...
7 thumb Corey harris left a comment on: Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 2
@Alex...Yes, you can carefully remove the nut by gently tapping it loose.  Then you can reglue it once you have used the matchbook to add the height.  If this makes you nervous...
409 thumb Mike caren left a comment on: Jumpin' Blues Lesson 3
Love it.  Beautiful chords and voicings.  Playing it just makes me happy.  Great way to unwind after a long day!
103 thumb Jerry portnoy post
7 thumb Corey harris post
6 thumb Duke robillard left a comment on: Jumpin' Blues Lesson 3
You're welcome Roger!
455 thumb Roger left a comment on: Jumpin' Blues Lesson 3
Duke, thanks so much for this these lessons. I like the others have struggled with this tune for many years. What a joy is is to FINALLY play it correctly. I'm having some...
509 thumb Alex barbera left a comment on: C C Pill Blues Lesson 4
@Corey....Here's my latest attempt with cc pill....I think I'm still having problems with the bass lines but to be honest I haven't practiced a lot during these days!!^__^  I'm...
509 thumb Alex barbera left a comment on: Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 2
@Corey..I misunderstood your precedent message about the nut.....I have two guitars..In both of them I can't remove the nut because it's attached to guitar neck!!!!...Should I do...
6 thumb Duke robillard left a comment on: Jumpin' Blues Lesson 3
Cool Steve, glad you like it.
70 thumb Steve marinak left a comment on: Jumpin' Blues Lesson 3
Very cool.  I too copped this about 25 years ago and have been doing the triads and double stops slightly different.  This sounds more rich and full.  Can't wait to work through...
6 thumb Duke robillard left a comment on: Jumpin' Blues Lesson 3
Your welcome Slim!
1804 thumb Slim left a comment on: Jumpin' Blues Lesson 3
Wow!  Mystery solved.  I've been listening to that for about 25 years.  I think the simplicity and economy of your arrangement is a huge lesson.  Thank you so much, Duke. Slim
6 thumb Duke robillard post
7 thumb Corey harris left a comment on: Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 2 more thing about the action.  I'm not saying that you should do anything to the trussrod, but just the nut that holds the strings at the headstock (top) of the guitar...
7 thumb Corey harris left a comment on: Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 2
@Alex...the whole story of Robert Johnson selling his soul to the devil is completely untrue.  It was invented by white journalists decades after he had died.  Eight months?  I...
7 thumb Corey harris left a comment on: Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 2
@Mike...that is much better.  I can hear the lighter touch.  I think you only need to work on the phrasing of the slide.  You can listen to my version here or just go back to Blind...
70 thumb Steve marinak added to a forum topic: New Orleans venues?
Duke I have to go to New Orleans soon on a business trip. Any recommendations on clubs or local musicians I should tap into while there? Thanks! Steve PS: anyone else please...
87 thumb Tim at mars5 added to a forum topic: Duke's Blues. . .A Lesson?
I always thought Duke's Blues was written with Duke Ellington's inspiration in mind, but after many years of loving the song, I discovered that in 1952, (Ellington sideman) Johnny...
70 thumb Steve marinak added to a forum topic: A song that stopped me cold...
this song does it for me.  It is the song that stopped me in my tracks, and still does to this day.  I found this song in a used record store in the mid 80's.  I think it was on a...
70 thumb Steve marinak added to a forum topic: What's your favorite piece of...
Mike 1. Yes, I have internet access where I practice.  Wireless.  I think the majority of people that have internet have wireless in their home, or will 2. When I seriously...
409 thumb Mike caren added to a forum topic: What's your favorite piece of...
Hi Steve Really appreciate your thoughts on how you use the iPad to practice and learn music!  I am currently thinking about an iPad / iPhone / Android application.  The first...
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