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Icon missing thumb Peter middleton left a comment on: Sonny Boy I Lesson 1
Nice, I need this!
Chris James macklin left a comment on: Church Street Blues Different Chordal Options
OK Chris I just had to give it a go and ended up going at it in a bit of my own way. I stole your crosspicking licks in the 3rd break cuz they were just too cool. So this is a...
2018 thumb Bruce dumes left a comment on: In A Mellow Tone Chords and Rhythm
Hey Duke! You picked one of my 100 or so favorite Duke Ellington tunes! ;-) That intro is very cool. Looking forward very much to the next lessons. I would love to hear any...
3857 thumb Charlie left a comment on: In A Mellow Tone Chords and Rhythm
Thanks Duke! Love this - thanks for opening another door for me. Ellington is the heavyweight champ!   PS really cool guitar
Chris Jeff falke left a comment on: Ginseng Sullivan Learning The Tune
Great tune! But is that fourth chord in the verse an Em7 or Bm? The tab and performance are Em7 but the lesson is Bm. Not sure which I prefer. Decisions! 😁
409 thumb Mike caren added to a forum topic: cant login
Hi JJ -- yes -- you are logged in and have used both of your free trial lessons (that's why it says 0 trial lessons left).   You can join with a full access account by clicking on...
Icon missing thumb Kurtis left a comment on: Lay My Burden Down Bass and Melody
Thanks Corey!
2039 thumb Rémy left a comment on: Fundamentals Holding the Pick and Releasing Tension
Thanks Sarah and Chris for this interesting point on strings. I will follow you and buy D'addario Nickel Bronze strings, but I hesitate to cross the step to the Medium gauge from...
Rick Jj added to a forum topic: cant login
logged in? Says I have 0 trial lessons left
Rick Bill blatner left a comment on: Keep The Change First Verse Breakdown
Hi Dennis, I'm kind of pattern oriented so I like that you describe these notes in terms of intervals rather than specific notes.  That also seems way more useful since when you...
2350 thumb Kip marchetti left a comment on: Ginseng Sullivan Learning The Tune
I have a huge smile of happiness on my face ... thank you ... I have become such a big Norman Blake fan over the past year or however long I've been on here and this tune really...
579 thumb Robert left a comment on: Keep The Change First Verse Breakdown
Dennis...can ya recommend a tuner?........a simple one for us older folks.....oh and if ya do send me a consulting fees bill... keep the change.....
Rick Jim wood left a comment on: Keep The Change First Verse Breakdown
Cool, thanks.
1919 thumb Dan zanes published a lesson: Bring Me a Little Water, Sylvie - Uke Chords, Rhythm and Fingerpicking
Hello My Ukulele Loving Friends and Neighbors, Here we are with another Lead Belly song and this one has been tailored along the way - a chorus was added at some point in the 70’s...
2040 thumb Dennis gruenling published a lesson: Keep The Change First Verse Breakdown
Hello Harpers of Sonic Junction - This week we start to take apart this new study piece and remember to pay attention to the subtle differences over the I-IV-V chord changes. Some...
7 thumb Corey harris published a lesson: Monday Morning Blues Bass and Chords
In this first lesson we will concentrate on the chords and how to pick the strings. We also discuss the importance of the alternating bass in building a strong foundation for the...
6 thumb Duke robillard published a lesson: In A Mellow Tone Chords and Rhythm
Hello Folks, This week we start on a great Duke Ellington classic, "In a Mellowtone." This tune has and A and B section of 16 measures each and is a really fun progression to play...
Chris B. thomas left a comment on: Fundamentals Holding the Pick and Releasing Tension
Chris, Want to thank you for taking the time to provide such a thoughtful answer to my question about rest strokes.  I meditate regularly and practice the  concept of...
2019 thumb Sarah h left a comment on: Fundamentals Holding the Pick and Releasing Tension
Heya Eldridge, Now look what you've made me go and do.... Haha -- no really though, thanks for the recommendation. They're on deck for the next string change. I'll let you know...
Rick Bill blatner left a comment on: Keep The Change Performance and Introduction
I'm still focused on the first couple choruses but I'm hearing tones that remind me a lot of Jerry McCain's tune, Easy.  That might not have been anywhere in your mind but to me...
7 thumb Corey harris left a comment on: Lay My Burden Down Bass and Melody
 Kurtis this sounds great. I like how you used the uke. Nice job!
7 thumb Corey harris liked a comment:
I like to tune my baritone ukulele to open E (EEBE) and try to play these gospel tunes that you play in open E.
2069 thumb Jonathan poor liked a comment:
Chris thanks again for doing Jerusalem Ridge. I was wondering if you could teach Butter and Eggs from your Avalon album with Julian Lage, this is another very cool tune, thanks Roy...
1621 thumb Chris eldridge left a comment on: On and On Advanced Bluegrass Rhythm Embellishments
Hi Kip, most of these sound good! The only sweep on the C chord that doesn't come out right is the first one. I'd just keep practicing it. Also, make sure that when the time comes...
1621 thumb Chris eldridge left a comment on: Fundamentals The Pick on the String
Jack, so nice to have you here in our community and thank you for this post! I was also at Merlefest in 2001 - that was where/when I reconnected with Tony Rice. I have great...
Corey Lee cobert liked a comment:
Corey Harris: These slide guitar lessons at are excellent, and I want to thank you for making them available. All the best, John Roberts  
2350 thumb Kip marchetti left a comment on: On and On Advanced Bluegrass Rhythm Embellishments
  Am I on the right track with this lesson? I isolated the part you taught and played it back to back 3 times.  I'm having some trouble keeping time with the rest stops through...
2018 thumb Bruce dumes left a comment on: TNT Solo, Second Chorus
Hey Duke! So here's my take on this one. I didn't use the quick four because it was too much trouble to change my backing track. :-) Great tune, lots of fun to play. I'd love to...
103 thumb Jerry portnoy left a comment on: Masterclass Vibrato
Your friend is a very fine player. Good stuff!
3857 thumb Charlie left a comment on: TNT Solo, Second Chorus
Love it! Thanks so much Duke - can't tell you how much I love Bill Jennings (and Billy Butler, Kenny Burrell, the list goes on...) You and SJ have helped me SO much
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