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Rick Jim wood left a comment on: Half Steppin' Third Chorus Breakdown
I never would have discovered the 2 draw to the 3 blow springboard thing. Fantastic! So simple and so elegant.
Corey Richard left a comment on: Laughing To Keep From Crying Alternating Bass and Main Riff
Haha. Couldn't think of a better song title for the times.     Thanks, Corey.   
7 thumb Corey harris published a lesson: Laughing To Keep From Crying Alternating Bass and Main Riff
In this first lesson we will learn the basic riff by slowing it down so we can hear what is going on. We also focus on the alternating bass and talk about how it changes within the...
Icon missing thumb David added to a forum topic: Song Request
You, sir, are awesome!
804 thumb Rick estrin published a lesson: Half Steppin' Third Chorus Breakdown
Hey now! Rick Estrin back again with verse three of "Half Steppin". In verse three, now that the groove is well established, we'll make a departure from the theme of verses one and...
Duke Marc meraz left a comment on: Swingin' the Blues Chord Comping
Maestro Duke excellent video it's an honor to see and learn from a jazz virtuoso. This will be great new chapter in my life learning jazz from the great. Again I thank you and...
1919 thumb Dan zanes published a lesson: Ukulele Tuning How To Tune A Uke
Greetings Friends! It’s a true pleasure to explore the world of social music making with you here at The Sonic Junction. If you don’t know how to tune your uke let’s take a few...
1919 thumb Dan zanes published a lesson: Guitar Tuning How To Tune Your Guitar
Greetings Friends!  I’m thrilled to be joining you here at The Sonic Junction for some social music making basics and beyond. We're going to start from the very beginning and I...
1621 thumb Chris eldridge liked a comment:
Yes Chris just a Rhythm track to practice the melody with. I know it should be played together as a Carter style tune(or Rice style) but I play in a small group and if there was a...
Chris Bryan mabe left a comment on: Auld Lang Syne A Familiar Melody In A New Light
Yes Chris just a Rhythm track to practice the melody with. I know it should be played together as a Carter style tune(or Rice style) but I play in a small group and if there was a...
1621 thumb Chris eldridge added to a forum topic: Song Request
TN Waltz? You got it!
1621 thumb Chris eldridge left a comment on: Auld Lang Syne A Familiar Melody In A New Light
Hi Bryan,  What specifically do you have in mind? Would rhythm guitar suffice? Thanks, Chris
804 thumb Rick estrin liked a comment:
Hi Rick !! thank you for the gratulation , I m I wright ?? English is like music " Details everywhere !! 
Chris Bryan mabe left a comment on: Auld Lang Syne A Familiar Melody In A New Light
It would be so cool if there were backing tracks
2905 thumb Andre loiselle left a comment on: Mr. Lee's Mambo Performance
Hi Rick !! thank you for the gratulation , I m I wright ?? English is like music " Details everywhere !! 
804 thumb Rick estrin left a comment on: Mr. Lee's Mambo Performance
Hey Andre - If it's missing, it's my fault. I must've been counting wrong. Sorry. Regardless, you've done a great job learning this piece! I keep hearing you get better and better...
1966 thumb left a comment on: Blues A Rama Muddy Waters
Thanks for your response Dave. I'll check that out at some point and turn the amplifier on next time!  Cheers!
2905 thumb Andre loiselle left a comment on: Mr. Lee's Mambo Performance
Hi Rick !! I m I wrong ?? I don t think so , on the backing track there s  missing the Sixth Chorus ??  say Hi to Ronnie , Have a good one !! Thank s again for everything !!...
1700 thumb Tominou left a comment on: Half Steppin' Second Chorus Breakdown
Oooups! you're right, I'll try to add that, the rolling effect, the other side tongue bloc of the 1 hole. It's hard but usefull to progress! Thanks again
2905 thumb Andre loiselle left a comment on: Mr. Lee's Mambo Eighth Verse Breakdown
 Hi Rick !! I will have to focus on the timing , cause during the thrill , I was not sure of the count ... anyways , it was fun and now i have to play all together ... any...
804 thumb Rick estrin left a comment on: Half Steppin' Second Chorus Breakdown
Hi Tom - You did a real good job on the first verse! Go back and listen to the last lick of the verse - the one that repeats on every verse going back to the I change - You're...
804 thumb Rick estrin left a comment on: Half Steppin' Second Chorus Breakdown
I'll look now - Thanks
1700 thumb Tominou left a comment on: Half Steppin' Second Chorus Breakdown
Please Rick, can you take a look at my attempt of the first verse? Tks
804 thumb Rick estrin left a comment on: Half Steppin' Second Chorus Breakdown
Let me know if that helped enough for you to work it out. If you have any more questions about this lick or anything at all, don't hesitate to ask.
2018 thumb Bruce dumes left a comment on: Stompin' At The Savoy Soloing In Different Positions
Hey Duke! I've really been shedding on this one! Wonderful tune to play on. I was planning to quote "Skippy's Dream" as you wre doing in the last lesson, but then I got distracted...
Rick Bill blatner left a comment on: Half Steppin' Second Chorus Breakdown
I think I know what you're saying.  I thought it was a bend thing as opposed to going back and forth between holes, so I think I can work it out.  If not I'll pester you again :)...
804 thumb Rick estrin left a comment on: Half Steppin' Second Chorus Breakdown
Hi Bill - Once again, good ear! I'm not sure if I address that or not, but it's a little quick release from the bend and back again that produces that rolling effect.
804 thumb Rick estrin left a comment on: Half Steppin' Second Chorus Breakdown
Thanks Tommy - I'm not so sure about the intelligence part :-)
Rick Bill blatner left a comment on: Half Steppin' Second Chorus Breakdown
Hi Rick, Maybe you're going to talk about this later in the series but if not could you say something about the little roll on the 2-draw in that ending part that repeats each...
1700 thumb Tominou left a comment on: Half Steppin' Second Chorus Breakdown
Built with so much intelligence, thanks for this gift! Let's go training now... 
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