Having alot of fun with this tune . Thanks so much Duke . And thanks for turning me on to The Dave Barbour Quartet . Never knew of him , let alone being married to Peggy Lee . They have some great videos from the early 50s. Great guitar work. Thanks.
Having alot of fun with this tune . Thanks so much Duke . And thanks for turning me on to The Dave Barbour Quartet . Never knew of him , let alone being married to Peggy Lee . They have some great videos from the early 50s. Great guitar work. Thanks.
Wow , great song . Thanks Duke . And really glad to see you back .
Wow !!!! so much for a quiet weekend . Thanks guys . Keep me busy .
Nice !!!!! Thanks guys !!
Nice !! Thanks guys .
Very nice Mike . Thanks .
Nice chords . Thanks Mike .
wow !!! Thanks Paul .
Very nice !! Thanks Paul .
Very nice . Thanks Paul .
This is really nice !!! Can't wait for the bridge . Thanks so much Paul and Duke .
Wow , really nice changes . Can't wait for the head . Thanks Paul .Good stuff .
Nice . Thanks .
Thanks Paul .
Welcome back Paul . Fun tune . Thanks .
Thanks Duke .
Thanks Duke .
Thanks Duke . Looking forward to working on this .
Thanks Duke . I agree with you ,the melody is the song . Didn't Herb Ellis say you lose your audience when you stray to far from the melody ?
Nice !!! Thanks Duke .
Thank YOU Tom! Duke