Hi All,
We've added a YouTube video looper. When you insert a YouTube video into a post, comment ... we overlay the Sonic Junction controls and looper .. so you can control YouTube videos just like other videos in Sonic Junction. Here's an example
loop @ 0:00 to practice the Eric's intro solo
loop @ 4:08 to practice the first part of Eric's solo

I guess this is/was one of the great songs of Layla with Duane. Eric shows his grit and feel, which is about as good as it gets for me. I love Duane, mainly he did not miss a lick and was even pushing Eric.
I have worked on this version and the crossroads one, which ard different. Plus Freddie Kings version. It just doesn't get any better. Love the blues and love the creative way that each artists can show their feel or personality.
Thanks for your help. Good luck and keep on teachin us fella's how the great's do it and that we still each have our own feel.
Douglas Irwin