Open Mic is ON !!
Open Mic is a time to share your music with the Sonic Junction community. Post a video of yourself playing your favorite tune -- it can be a song you wrote, something you learned here at Sonic Junction or elsewhere, or a tune you're enjoying at the moment. Check out the videos from our past open mic's to get ideas. It's a great chance to share what's on your mind -- inspire and be inspired!
NOTE: be sure and use "Reply" when commenting on videos. It keeps the comments in the right place (under the videos) --- as opposed to on the thread timeline.
From Dec 31 to Jan 11, post your videos here and check back often to enjoy all the talent here at Sonic Junction!
Drop me an email or let me know via the Contact Us page if you have questions or need help editing/posting your video.
Looking forward to some good music!

Hi mike I know you said download on or after the 31st dec
im away for 3 weeks tomorro with no internet access.
So I thought id send this clip of me playing frosty. If
you want to delete it no worries.

Very, very nice. Tone, phrasing and timing --- and most importantly --- fun to listen too!
I saw Albert Collins in the early 90's during a downtown festival --- he totally blew everyone away. It was like he had lightning in his eyes that went right through his guitar.
What setup did you use? --- your tone is great.
Thanks for posting.

Thanks for the comments. The set up is just a tele plugged straight into a fender blues jnr the volume is set really low. just got the amp a few weeks ago great wee amp . Gigged with it too and it was perfect. i like to keep things uncomplicated as I've no clue when it comes to gear.

Cheers Paul made a few mistakes the Albert Collins licks Can be awkward but great fun to play

Good job Tam
Albert Collins used an open tuning - apparently F minor (F-C-F-Ab-C-F). So trying to duplicate Frosty in regular tuning will be a noble effort.
Good job

To get everybody in the open mic mood, I am posting this video documentary I found on YouTube, called Blues Houseparty. It recreates a traditional Piedmont style houseparty. Filmed in 1989 at the late John Jackson's home in Fairfax Station, Virginia, Blues Houseparty includes performances by Jackson and his son James, John Cephas and Phil Wiggins, Archie Edwards, Cora Jackson, Flora Molton and Larry Wise, John Dee Holeman, and Quentin "Fris" Holloway. Between songs, performers talk about the history of country breakdowns, demonstrate traditional dances and swap toasts and stories. This style of music was upbeat and fun and danceable; quite different from Texas or Delta tradition. This will definitely get you in the mood.

Tam, excellent. All you need now is a twin reverb and turn volume and treble up to ten. Very impressive, I would not even try to play that myself.

Here's a contribution to the open mic. It's a pretty challenging tune (hence the occasional flub) but a lot of fun to play. It's Mississippi Blues, arranged by Stefan Grossman, though I modified it slightly because I couldn't play it exactly like he did. :-) I learned it from one of his DVDs. Hope you all enjoy it!

Sweet! I agree with Vinny --- you did a great job with a tricky tune. I like that middle section. I think Ten Years After did an electric tune off the main riff. Great stuff!

Bruce - very nice. That is challenging, a lot of quick moving chord shapes, but you kept a very nice flow. Liked that little shuffle in there too. And you maintained great rythm and synchopation through all those changes.

Great video Vinny, If you like john Dee Holeman go to www.musicmaker.org This is a releif orgagnization that promotes blues artists and uses the proceeds to help them have better lives/living conditions. I was able to see John Dee on the Blue Ridge parkway in the summer of 2013. He was a great performer even up in his 80"s. There is a great disck for sale at musicmakers with John playin g with Taj Mahal, really worth the purchase and the proceeds help there great piedmont bluesmen and women.

Tam Great job and have a great trip! I'll have keep our business to yourself ready to post soon.

Bob, I am familiar with Music Maker. I know they have done a lot of recording. Amazing though John Dee played on the Blue Ridge Parkway so recently. I'm actually in North Carolina right now. I will look for his CD though, I really like his playing.

Everyone, Happy New Year! I wanted to let everyone know that I run a Blues show/jam the jlast Friday of each month in Draper Virginia. (close to Roanoke and Blacksburg Virginia) If I know I have a specific musician coming we usually have that person sit in with our band for 3-5 songs (blues only) If any of you are interested drop me a note! BTW the venue seats about 130 people, we have a sound man and GREAT FUN.

Bob - I am going to meander from Asheville NC up to Virginia Beach in the Spring. Maybe I can drift through there. Why don't you keep me updated about the jam and any other blues events in your area. blues@justvinny.com

I live in Florida in the winter of will return for the first show in the spring the last Friday in April.

"TAKE a BREAK" composed and performed by Matt Hunt. Tasmania Australia.
gear head info: Gibson ES175 > Peavey delta Blues 15" Amp. Rec on iPad.
I'm here because of Duke, been a fan for years and yes his Cds are available Downunder!

This concert recording is the culmination of a multi-year project that started because of George's Music's Blues in the Schools project in conjunction with the Springing the Blues Festival in Jacksinville Beach, FL. Each year the Fletcher Band would request a performance from the selected Blues in the Schools musician. Unlike many of the other performances that these musicians did during that week, which were usually for elementary schools, this performance was done for a smaller room of musicians who could better understand what the performer was doing. The guest usually performed for a guitar or jazz band class. Roger "Hurricane" Wilson first appeared at Fletcher High School in 2006 when he was the Blues in the Schools artist. His style of acoustic guitar blues was of great interest to me and my students. We had a great time that day. About five years later Roger was the featured artist again. This time he brought up the idea of us bringing him back for a longer collaborative session. We did this on a few occasions. Using the students of the jazz band class and Roger's unique experience and knowledge we were able to delve more deeply into the genre of the blues.
Jonathan Maerkle - Band Director - Fletcher High School - Jacksonville beach, FL

Hi- I'm a long time student of Duke's. This is my original music band's( The Rex Granite Band featuring Sarah Benck) new song "Move Along".

Harvey.... Fabulous performance! That's what I'm talkin about! Great harpin!

Rick Estrin's Chicago Shuffle. Harvey inspired me to post :) We do need more harp players posting up here...

Paul,great job! You've got the chops. Thanks so much for posting. It's good to hear others who are working on these demanding harp tunes on Sonic Junction. What's next for you? Are you going to take on Rick's Sonny Boy's Groove? Man, that one is really daunting! Good luck and I look forward to hearing you again at the next Open Mic.