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7 thumb Corey harris published a lesson: Pass Me Not, Oh Gentle Savior Endings and Palm Muting
We're re-issuing one of Corey's most popular lessons with new sheet music, re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Corey:    In this lesson we will be working on the...
2040 thumb Dennis gruenling published a lesson: Lookin' Sharp 4th Chorus Breakdown
We're re-issuing one of Dennis's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Dennis:     Hi Everyone - This week on Sonic Junction we break down...
3982 thumb Perry gray liked a comment:
Hi Perry, I will ask Mike about doing that. Thanks, Duke
3982 thumb Perry gray liked a forum post:
Hi Everyone, I notice these requests are from years ago and I am going to start keeping current on your questions. thanks and stay safe, Duke
6 thumb Duke robillard published a lesson: Always Be In Love Intro and Chords
Hello Folks, This week we are starting at new song which I love dearly and have been playing for 40 years. We learn my intro and the rhythm for "I'll Always Be In Love With You"...
7 thumb Corey harris published a lesson: Pass Me Not, Oh Gentle Savior Bass Rhythm and Slide Variations
We're re-issuing one of Corey's most popular lessons with new sheet music, re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Corey:   In this third lesson we focus on paying close...
2040 thumb Dennis gruenling published a lesson: Lookin' Sharp 2nd and 3rd Chorus Breakdown
We're re-issuing one of Dennis's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Dennis:    Hi Harp Fans! This week we dive further into “Lookin’ Sharp”,...
Davell Ivan left a comment on: Blues Shuffle Practice Tracks and Variations
Hello, amazing lesson. Thank you so much. Just one question, how to develop the solo part?  
Chris Denny fried added to a forum topic: Alternate picking puzzle
Hi Chris, a question about alternate picking. I find it most difficult to keep the up/down pattern going solidly when I have a down stroke on a string and then it should be...
2492 thumb Marty perry left a comment on: Back Home Again Soloing
Hi Duke
Here's my take on Indiana. I had a ton of fun with this tune. As a challenge I cranked up your awesome backing track to Wobble Walkin' speed with Anytune. I spent a bit...
657 thumb Mark rhodes left a comment on: Jazzy Blues Comping and Chord Melody Lesson 1
Great lesson, Duke. I love this sort of playing. It doesn't come easy to me but bit-by-bit I improve.  My wife and I have COVID now---after all this time, all the shots and...
657 thumb Mark rhodes left a comment on: Jazzy Blues Comping and Chord Melody Lesson 1
657 thumb Mark rhodes liked a comment:
Hi Bruce, The chord voicings I use are just what I've figured out that works from the hunderds of tunes that are based on "I Got Rhythm" There are many different inversions of...
2040 thumb Dennis gruenling published a lesson: Lookin' Sharp 1st Chorus Breakdown
We're re-issuing one of Dennis's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Dennis:   Hi Everyone - This week we tackle the first chorus of my...
7 thumb Corey harris published a lesson: Pass Me Not, Oh Gentle Savior Slide Technique and B Section
We're re-issuing one of Corey's most popular lessons with new sheet music, re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Corey:  In this lesson we review the last lesson and get...
1621 thumb Chris eldridge published a lesson: On and On Even More Advanced Bluegrass Rhythm
We're re-issuing one of Chris's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Chris:  Hello All! This week we’re building directly on the rhythm guitar...
804 thumb Rick estrin left a comment on: Getting Out of Town Verse 2, I Chord
Absolutely. This is also a Sonnyboy 2 song. I got the idea of doing the song like this from a version he did on a European LP
Rick Alex left a comment on: Getting Out of Town Verse 2, I Chord
Rick, this reminds me a lot of Bye Bye Bird. In fact, the spacing of the lyrics in relation to the licks seems to fall on the same beats. I think practicing this is going to give...
657 thumb Mark rhodes liked a forum post:
Transcribed a section of Duke and Herbs recording of Train to Texas track at a slower tempo. Some great lines in it, stuck a few chords in to fill it out.
657 thumb Mark rhodes left a comment on: Flying Home Chords
7 thumb Corey harris published a lesson: Pass Me Not, Oh Gentle Savior Run-Through and Bass Line
We're re-issuing one of Corey's most popular lessons with new sheet music, re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Corey:  No one can deny that the blues and spirituals go...
6 thumb Duke robillard published a lesson: Ray's Blues Soloing - Lesson 2
Hello Folks, This week we will be learning another solo chorus of mine employing more of the techniques, double stops and fills that go along with this type of blues. So work on...
2040 thumb Dennis gruenling published a lesson: Lookin' Sharp Performance and Introduction to Series
We're re-issuing one of Dennis's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Dennis:  Hi Everyone - I am so glad to be back here on Sonic Junction....
1621 thumb Chris eldridge published a lesson: On and On Advanced Bluegrass Rhythm
We're re-issuing one of Chris's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Chris:    Hello! This week I'm going to show you some rhythm guitar...
1722 thumb Tim james left a comment on: Ray's Blues Soloing - Lesson 1
very nice kay there Duke !!!
Duke Rene left a comment on: Route 66 Solo
Hello DUKE, and thank you for this wonderfool lesson about "Route 66". The jazz historians tell it seems to be Johnny Collins who is credited on the 1946 recording of that tune...
3857 thumb Charlie left a comment on: Ray's Blues Soloing - Lesson 1
Just beautiful! Thank you Duke : )
6 thumb Duke robillard published a lesson: Ray's Blues Soloing - Lesson 1
Hi Folks, This week's lesson is on playing fills, double stops, and melody ideas for playing Ray's Blues as an instrumental piece utilizing some of Johnny Moore and Mickey Baker...
7 thumb Corey harris published a lesson: Bright Lights, Big City Singing and Practice Track
We're re-issuing one of Corey's most popular lessons with new sheet music, re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Corey:  In this lesson we will focud on how to sing the...
1621 thumb Chris eldridge published a lesson: On and On Banjo Roll Flatpicking
We're re-issuing one of Chris's most popular lessons with re-mastered video and updated loop points. From Chris:   Hello Everyone! This week I'll be showing you how to play the...
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