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Dennis gruenling
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Horton Shuffle Fifth Chorus Breakdown
Most definitely tongue-blocking for the first eight bars (and the whole tune pretty much). While holdig the harp and playing, it's a combination of moving the harp over with my...
Dennis gruenling
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Are you tounge blocking during the first eight bars? Also, are you moving your jaw back and forth or the harp?
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Horton Shuffle Fifth Chorus Breakdown
Are you tounge blocking during the first eight bars? Also, are you moving your jaw back and forth or the harp?
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Horton Shuffle Fifth Chorus Breakdown
"El Cheapo"? See Dennis, you CAN speak Spanish. according to this video, drinking liquor helps. At least that's what the internet says...
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It's a Goodun...!!
Dennis gruenling
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Horton Shuffle Sixth & Seventh Chorus Breakdown
Dennis gruenling
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It's a Goodun...!!
Dw gill
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Horton Shuffle Sixth & Seventh Chorus Breakdown
It's a Goodun...!!
Duke robillard
published a lesson:
Reconsider Baby Soloing Lesson 2
Hi Folks,
This weeks lesson is on the second solo chorus of Reconsider Baby. The first four bars are fairly straight ahead with pretty typical blues licks. The thing is here he is...
Jerry portnoy
published a lesson:
Horton Shuffle Sixth & Seventh Chorus Breakdown
Hi Everyone -
This week we will cover the next two choruses of my Big Walter Horton tribute. I start out by getting away from the more repetitive type of choruses and switch...
Corey harris
published a lesson:
Fulton Blues Chords, Licks and Groove
This week I do a short review of the first week and then we go further into the tune. I show you the basic chords as well as some useful licks that can be adapted to other songs as...
Dennis gruenling
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Horton Shuffle Intro and First Chorus Breakdown
In reality, it's one of the toughest notes on the harp to play (in tune). Practice bending in general more to get more muscle control, and then work with a tuner to try to hold the...
Dennis gruenling
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Got any advice on making my 3'' Bend better, it does not sound to good
Boyd r
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Horton Shuffle Intro and First Chorus Breakdown
Got any advice on making my 3'' Bend better, it does not sound to good
Steve h
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A life study.
Dennis gruenling
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Horton Shuffle Fifth Chorus Breakdown
Playing the harmonica softer always gets a better sound and long as your not playing an el cheapo $1.99 harmonica from the truck stop, in which case it would be so leaky...
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Horton Shuffle Fifth Chorus Breakdown
Thanks, playing softer does extend the breath and sounds better too.
Dennis gruenling
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Horton Shuffle Fifth Chorus Breakdown
As Taylor says, it's a good idea to play softer for this section. As a harmonica player, you always want to play softer in general, it's always good technique to play soft so you...
Dennis gruenling
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Any tips on breathing? Do you pretty much have to hold the inhale for the four bars or is there a discreet way to get rid of some air along the way?
Dennis gruenling
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Horton Shuffle Fifth Chorus Breakdown
Not really, but you can if you want. Sometimes Walter would accentuate every OTHER downbeeat, in this case that would mean beats "1" and "3" which of course is the 3 draw in both...
Dennis gruenling
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During the triplets, are you playing the downbeat note slightly louder than the others?
Barry croucher
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Reconsider Baby Soloing
Very nice job Steve, great playing!
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Horton Shuffle Fifth Chorus Breakdown
Thanks Taylor.
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Horton Shuffle Fifth Chorus Breakdown
I think you just have to suck it up (pardon the pun) for the first four bards. I play it softer on the first four bars and then get my air out on the blows of the IV. I think I...
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Horton Shuffle Fifth Chorus Breakdown
Any tips on breathing? Do you pretty much have to hold the inhale for the four bars or is there a discreet way to get rid of some air along the way?
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Horton Shuffle Fifth Chorus Breakdown
During the triplets, are you playing the downbeat note slightly louder than the others?
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Reconsider Baby Soloing
Here you are Duke. I changed the last pair of D notes into D9 (first one) and D13 (second one) chords for fun. I also got a new electric, and was able to combine both pickups to...
Steve lauder
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Reconsider Baby Soloing
A life study.
added to a forum topic:
How do you write your songs?
Timothy, thanks for your input. How do your go about finding a collaborator? I thought about asking my cousins if they could contribute...they are both musicians. I'm not sure why...
Timothy oliveri
added to a forum topic:
How do you write your songs?
Great advic! That's generaly how my music partner and I write songs; the feel, the mood, the emotion of the melody tends to come first but often a lyrical chorus and melody come...