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Jumpin' Blues Lesson 4
I am trying to follow the riffs;is tab available?
Mike caren
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New Guy
Hi Alex --- great question. It was actually missing.
I have just updated all of the San Ho Zay lessons. You should now see the backing track right under the webcam recorder on...
Corey harris
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Pony Blues Intro
In this lesson we will learn the intro to the tune as I play it. I want to wait until next week to start working with the slide so that we can build a strong foundation before we...
Alex maclellan
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New Guy
Duke How do I get the backing track for San Ho Say?
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San Ho Zay Final Chorus
Thanks so much Duke. Love this track and can't wait for 'I'm Confessing'. Said it before but where else in the world can we go from Charlie Christian to Freddie King to Les Paul...
Duke robillard
published a lesson:
San Ho Zay Final Chorus
Hi Folks, This week we are finishing up San Ho Zay. It's been a rather tough one for me, trying to really get into Freddy orbit. The last chorus is easier but still has a few...
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How Long Blues Lesson 3
Duke I'm having so much fun with these lessons! WOOOOOOOOO!!!
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Catfish Blues Main Riff
Hi Corey,
Thanks for your encouragements and your advices. Back to the bass/thumb training ! Happy to learn with you. By the way I saw your show in Puurs, Belgium a few months...
Corey harris
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Preaching Blues Main Riff
Thanks Steven. You getting off to a good start with the basic lick. You play it in smoothly. I suggest that youuse your palm to mute out the low e string because it should not...
Corey harris
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Preaching Blues Main Riff
Thanks Harry.
Corey harris
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Catfish Blues Main Riff
Salut Jean and thanks for posting. You have a very good feel for the fundamental licks and your guitar has a nice tone. I also like how you have made it your own version instead...
Corey harris
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Baby Please Don't Go Melody and Rhythm
You are welcome Harry. How is it going.
Corey harris
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John Henry Rhythm and Melody
Nice rhythm and tone from the guitar. I think that the tempo wight be a little too fast. Also try using a little more vibrato with your slide...sometimes it sound too static...
Harry roullier
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Baby Please Don't Go Slide Dynamics & Singing
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Masterclass Chord Rhythm
Well Jerry, what can I say but touch'e.
Jerry portnoy
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Practice Aids and Other Thoughts
Hi Tim,
I hope my method serves you well.
Jerry portnoy
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Masterclass Chord Rhythm
Hi John,
I appreciate your your comment though I think complete beginners are still at the stage where they shouldn't be jumping on it!
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Hi Duke,
I saw this video that you and Paul did at Empire Guitars of "I'm Confessing That I Love You" and just think it's fantastic!...
Steve lauder
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Future Lessons
Hey Duke, I love Tiny Grimes. Wasn't he a big influence on Hollywood Fats?
Duke robillard
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Future Lessons
Hi Michael, Tiny Grimes is always a good idea! I'll rhink about which one to do first. Thanks, Duke
Duke robillard
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Future Lessons
Hi Peter, Well of course Satchmo is the man and I'll try a fitting song. One of my favorite tunes he cut around 1930 is I'm confessin' that I love you which is a speciality of mine...
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Masterclass Chord Rhythm
Thanks Jerry. Well paced,nice clear and well thought out explanation and instruction. From the first basic lesson,after about 10 minutes practice,A COMPLETE BEGINNER can jump on...
Jerry portnoy
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How Long Performance
Hi Boyd,
Yeah, it's a pretty tune with a nice relaxed feel. Have some fun with it.
Steve lauder
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San Ho Zay Solo, Fourth Chorus
I don't think it exact to your take Duke but close. I took some liberty and embellished a bit at the end.
Boyd r
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How Long Performance
One great song
Duke robillard
published a lesson:
San Ho Zay Solo, Fourth Chorus
Hello Friends, This weeks lesson is on the last solo chorus of San Ho Zay. It's another tricky chorus with some signature Freddy King that can be a bit chalenging but are great fun...
Jamie j
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Everybody Ought To Change Lesson 4
Thanks for the feedback Corey. :D
Jamie j
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Love that last little chord, nice touch, this song is working out well for me. Thank you once again
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Preaching Blues Variations and Ending
Yes. I'm not sure because the playing and tabs for that part seem different to me. So I felt confused. I guess I'll just try to follow your slide in the first video only and work...
Corey harris
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Preaching Blues Variations and Ending
Thank you Harry I am happy to know that you enjoy this one.