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Jd krooks crouhy
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John Henry Vocals, Riffs and Ending
Hello Corey, i have to say that i won't make a new video for this lesson (I've made one for the third lesson) because 12 days of vacation have been terrible for my progression...
Jd krooks crouhy
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John Henry Vocals, Riffs and Ending
This lesson was very usefull and i still work on some hard licks but that's will be all :(
Hope you'll understandThanks a lot JD
Mike caren
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Distorted sound OSX 10.9 +...
Hi Wieger
Thanks for the details. Yes, sounds like a driver issue (I had a driver issue like that with the exact same distortion many years ago). My other idea is that it could...
Duke robillard
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Rock Me Baby Solo Lesson 1
Hi Scott, Thanks, I'm glad you are enjoying the lesson. Yes, BB sure changed the world of blues guitar with his style. Rick guitar also! Duke
Duke robillard
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Rock Me Baby Solo Lesson 1
Hi Steve H, You sound great, nice smooth groove and good execution. Nice Strat tone also! Duke
Duke robillard
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Rock Me Baby Solo Lesson 1
Hey Peter, Sounds great. I like the way you are using these riffs and the tone is nice also! Duke
Duke robillard
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Future Lessons
Hi Paul, Those are my favorite versions of one of my favorite songs so you can count on that! Duke
Wieger sietsma
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Distorted sound OSX 10.9 +...
Hi Mike
Thank you for your quick response.
In the meantime I found out that the sound is perfect when I use Safari 7.0 with the Apple standard audio driver and the headphone jack...
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Future Lessons
I want to suggest 'Gee Baby, Ain't I Good to You'. I've loved the tune every since I heard on a Hot Lips Page LP years ago. There are some great versions out there: yours,...
Steve barker
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Easy 1st and 2nd Chorus
Portnoy is one cool cat. He not only oozes the blues, but he embodies what was good about beatniks, hippies and jazz cats that didn't OD. I know he's not old enough to have live at...
Mike caren
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Distorted sound OSX 10.9 +...
Hi Wieger
Thanks for the message and sorry for the issue. I really appreciate all of the detail --- it helps a lot.
Testing different browsers and YouTube was the right choice....
Wieger sietsma
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Distorted sound OSX 10.9 +...
Please help
Shortly after I updated OSX to 10.9 the sound of the video lessons is distorted in Safari (but OK in Chrome). YouTube on Safari comes through undistorted.
Steve h
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Rock Me Baby Solo Lesson 1
Here's my take. It's not perfect but seems to invoke the spirit of this style. My solos need more "major" sounding notes. Thanks for the pearls of wisdom Duke.
Joe s
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How Are You Doing?
Hello All
I'm new around here - currently on the "2 free lessons" access, but seriously considering joining. I can't find any reviews online of people's experience with Sonic...
Scott nowlan
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Rock Me Baby Solo Lesson 1
Gosh Duke. I remember craving to learn B.B.'s early guitar solos. Makes for bliss listening to it. Even better playing it. This is the soul of the Blues.
Alex barbera
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John Henry Vocals, Riffs and Ending
His fugitive ended September 22, 1880. He gave himself to the police in order to avoid a shootout and not scare her pregnant daughter who was with him . he was translated in...
Alex barbera
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John Henry Vocals, Riffs and Ending
Corey...yes...we have something similar in Sardinia...It's the story of Giovanni tolu , a bandit who lived in the province of Sassari in the nineteenth century. fell in love with...
Corey harris
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John Henry Vocals, Riffs and Ending
@Alex...thanks for posting the video. I wonder if there are any stories like this in Italy.
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Open Mic Night (Week) - Sept...
Corey - thanks very much for your comments - I must confess I was not in very good shape when I made these videos - I have taken a severe beating in about every life category...
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Open Mic Night (Week) - Sept...
I somehow missed this open mike session. Sorry I did, but now that I've found I can go back and listen to everyone's stuff
As far as Duke and Texas Flood, that album was the...
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Open Mic Night (Week) - Sept...
Duke sez
Duke Robillard
Oct 07, 2013
Hey Tom, another good one. i really like the sound you two have together. Did you know i recorded Texas Flood on the first Roomful of blues...
Duke robillard
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Rock Me Baby Solo Lesson 1
Thanks Mike, Yes, I agree, the click can help you understand the timing of each phrase much easier. I will use that more often or all the time possibly.
Mike caren
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Rock Me Baby Solo Lesson 1
Beautiful Duke. Just love those runs. I agree with Rick, lot's of gems in this one.
The click track is really helping me. I'm trying to keep my foot going to the click while...
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Set Up For Blues Guitar
BB uses light strings now I think, but he's also well over 80 and it is inevitable to lose some of the energy as time goes on. Cut the legen some slack! I wish I can see that age...
Duke robillard
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Is anyone playing straight...
Hi Brandon, Welcome to Sonic-Junction! I am glad you appreciate our work here. It is a privledge to be doing it! Enjoy the lessons, Duke
Brandon drake
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Is anyone playing straight...
Thanks for keeping the flame alive, Duke. Cheers to this site, I'm new here and am really impressed with the content and the spirit with which it was created. Good for you guys...
Duke robillard
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Sweet Home Chicago Vocal Rhythm & Fills
Hi Steve, Got the groove happening here. Yes, I agree, rhythm playing needs to be second nature when you sing so being well rehearsed on rhythm is necessary for the confidence to...
Duke robillard
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Rock Me Baby Solo Lesson 1
Hi Rick, Thank you, l am glad you dig it! Duke
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Set Up For Blues Guitar
I don't think that BB King's guitar sounds nearly as good now as it did years ago. Maybe that's because of those wimpy strings he uses.
Alex barbera
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John Henry Vocals, Riffs and Ending
@Corey...thanks for the lesson and for sharing with us the touching story of John Henry. I didn't know much about it. I'm italian..It's not part of my culture. and his story is so...