JD Krooks Crouhy

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Bumble Bee Blues First Chorus Breakdown Jun 06, 2017

Hi Rick, it's a slight bend. You bend the string and then the new note has a higher pitch. In this case it's around 1/4 of tone. A 1/2tone bend would have mean that the note bended is the same as the note in the next fret. In blues you often make little bend under the perfect third. This blue note is beetwin the minor third and the major third. Just keep in mind that the note on the guitar are separated with 1/2 tone (semitone) and a 1/4 bend is beetwin the fret. It's a slight pitch. That why guitar is cool ! we have all this inflexions. Hope i'm clear (i'm not english). Thanks JD

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Love In Vain Intro and Chords Jun 05, 2016

HI Corey, it's an Epiphone emperor of 1994 from Korea. In the scorcese movie with you, Taj Mahal seems to have the same but in natural color. These are nice acoustic guitars. I have a rythm chief to play with it sometimes. But here it's plugged in a low price fender amp with a lot of trebble. This guitar are nice in fender bass amp but i dream to have a ES 175 :) ! 

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Love In Vain Intro and Chords Jun 03, 2016

Hi Corey,

here's a little video i've made thinking of you in a singing audition in front of students. So now you can see one of our classroom ;) I haven't had time to work your version but it was a "clin d'oeil" for you because i love this song too. I still rush the time when i'm nervous and mess the intro playing a E bass instead of a G ;) I'm sure you'll appreciate the french accent too :)




Corey Harris
Corey Harris Jun 04, 2016

Thanks JD....I like that guitar.  Is that a Herb Ellis 175?  I have one too.....

JD Krooks Crouhy
JD Krooks Crouhy Jun 05, 2016

HI Corey, it's an Epiphone emperor of 1994 from Korea. In the scorcese movie with you, Taj Mahal seems to have the same but in natural color. These are nice acoustic guitars. I have a rythm chief to play with it sometimes. But here it's plugged in a low price fender amp with a lot of trebble. This guitar are nice in fender bass amp but i dream to have a ES 175 :) ! 

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Love In Vain Intro and Chords Jun 03, 2016

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Preaching Blues Main Riff Oct 19, 2015

HI Harry Mike's right. It's hard to tab because the Third in blues is beetwin the minor third and the major third. If you stop to the third fret it's to minor (although sometimesit's OK) and if you go to 4th fret is to Major (althought sometimes it's OK) to. But unfortunatly it's hard to tab all the quarter tone variation. Corey use all of them (minor, between and major) so you have to listen carefully to his variation. That the power of the slide although you can also do quater bend... Hope it helps JD

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Inspiration Oct 07, 2015

Really nice text Corey ! Music is a nice journey and i can tell you're part of my inspiration :) Studying your lessons in detail (every slight variation) since two years let a print on my own playing ! And the way you keep telling us to find our voice resonate in me ! Of course  I play traditionnal blues as i can in front of childrens at school (for my daughter kindsgarden classmate) or to my guitar students during our gigs because i want people to ear that music and know all the elders (RJ, Son House...) and you of course (i play Honeysuckle and Berry Owen Blues) but i'm searching my own voice in french. I first start to translate old blues in french or make lyrics for kids and now i try to write french songs and that because of your lesson and what you tell to me. I'm not a old bluesman i have to find my voice :) Si if i hade to write something about my inspiration, you'll be a part of it ;) I hope will meet in france or US one day !

All the best for you Corey :)


JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Fundamentals The Pick on the String Sep 24, 2015

Hello Chris, could you please give me the blue chips model that you used ? Because there's too many choice...

And wich primetone do you use the 2mm ? Thanks for your help and really nice lesson !! Bye


JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Walking Blues Singing & Endings Mar 18, 2014

Hello Corey, i won't have time to make a video. I'm still tryin to Get the independance of the voice and that not easy with that main riff.

I'm also happy with the lot of riff you Gave in open G ! Some are hard on my dobro heavy GauGe. I put a video later cause i won't Give up that one it's a work in proGress. 

And by the way i love the sinGinG part at the end !! I try to do this too !

All the best

P.S: scuse the G caps but my keyboard had sometimes only the "G" caps don't know why...

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Walking Blues Intro & Main Riff Feb 24, 2014

Hello Corey, 

This lesson is really cool, i wondered if you would make a lesson in open G !
The riff with with the Bb and the B together make me thought about Berry Owen blues another great tune of you that i wanted to learn and now because of this riff, i've found Berry owenis in open G too :) I never tried yet to work on it. But for now i'll try this one :)

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Honeysuckle Singing and Accompaniment Feb 21, 2014

Merci Corey et joyeux anniversaire encore ! Longue vie au blues et à tes magnifiques leçons :-) 

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Honeysuckle Singing and Accompaniment Feb 14, 2014

Hello Corey, here's my version

I think i didn't really dig the whole singin melody parts. I focused on the guitar. And as i said in open mic i had a big cold and fever so i can hear my nose blocked and i wasn't confortable to sing in falsetto. The song is too fresh, i need months to get confomtable with a tune for both singin and playing.

For the guitar i din't play all the variation i wanted on the F chord as you do and my thumb is to linear i want to rag it more ! I'm still working on the second lesson to get it ! Oh, and i add a extra beat to my first triplet ;)

This lesson was great i love this tune and i think you wrote a real blues standard who will be played by other player !!

Thanks for the lesson


JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Honeysuckle Singing and Accompaniment Feb 14, 2014

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Honeysuckle Run-Through & Intro Feb 14, 2014

Yep i'll send it on the next lesson :)

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Honeysuckle Main Body Feb 05, 2014

Thanks Corey :-) with the New vidéo upload i do it Step by Step. No worry i'll make a whole version soon, I'm on the singing now but it's hard to sing the flatted third on a C chord as you do... And the end in falsetto is terrible for my neighborhood ;-) 

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Honeysuckle Main Body Feb 05, 2014

Thanks Corey :-) with the New vidéo upload i do it Step by Step. No worry i'll make a whole version soon, I'm on the singing now but it's hard to sing the flatted third on a C chord as you do... And the end in falsetto is terrible for my neighborhood ;-) 

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Honeysuckle Main Body Feb 05, 2014

Grazzie amici ! It's a 1954 L-50. I don't let the pickguard, i like it like that for now but when i ad a pickup i'll put it again. Strings are light nickel (newtone jazz) not really for picking but very smooth.

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: John Henry Slide Technique & Melody Feb 04, 2014

It's the video linked before with youtube, nothing new...

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: John Henry Slide Technique & Melody Feb 04, 2014

JD Krooks Crouhy
JD Krooks Crouhy Feb 04, 2014

It's the video linked before with youtube, nothing new...

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Honeysuckle Main Body Feb 04, 2014

Hello Corey,

this my version. I'm a little bit tense because i was focused on the rag bass with the thumb but i think it's getting better, in a few day or week i may have integrated the pattern and be more laidback.

In a way it's like the "Ding a ding" that jazz drummer play on their ride cymbal ("cha ba da" rythm en français). The  pattern is :Thumb on all the beat (with emphasis on the 2nd and 4th time) and the off beat of the 2nd and 4the time is played with the bass (thumb). it's sound like : And one two and three four and... the "and" are the bass played with the thumb in the offbeat : the rag bass of the ragtime :p Hope i'm clear ;) !!




Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera Feb 05, 2014

so beautifull, mon frere! ;)....and I love you guitar...Which model is that?!?!?! I don't remember...it's a Gibson, right!!?!? :))

JD Krooks Crouhy
JD Krooks Crouhy Feb 05, 2014

Grazzie amici ! It's a 1954 L-50. I don't let the pickguard, i like it like that for now but when i ad a pickup i'll put it again. Strings are light nickel (newtone jazz) not really for picking but very smooth.

Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera Feb 05, 2014

I like it more JD, too!!!!

JD Krooks Crouhy
Jd Krooks Crouhy commented on: Honeysuckle Main Body Feb 04, 2014

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