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Scott nowlan
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Sweet Home Chicago Solo, First Verse
I would be good with Freddie King. That's my coffee before I get to Starbucks !
Dave-ja -voo
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61 Highway Variations & Slide Technique
@ Correy ,hope this finds you well
Thank you, I will try working on the variations more it dose sound repetitive, my timeing has always been a problem as soon as I press record or...
Corey harris
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Nobody's Business Endings
@ Mike...yes I think Henry Butler is one of the musical giants of our time. He has the best rhythm of anyone I have worked with, like a rock. And he is also a photographer!
Corey harris
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Nobody's Business Endings
@ you have a very nice tone on this tune and the tempo and rhythm is right on. I would only say put a little more power in your thumb brush and that will bring the nice...
Corey harris
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Nobody's Business Endings
@alex...I don't know about the tone..maybe you should change the guage of strings that you are playing. EVery parlour guitar is different of course, but I don't think there are...
Corey harris
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61 Highway Run-Through & Main Riff have a nice warm tone on the guitar. I would suggest that you slow the tempo down and make it make steady. Your tempo seems to waver in a few places. Also pls listen...
Corey harris
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61 Highway Run-Through & Main Riff
@Peter Wolf...yes I am using my fret hand to choke you are correct.
Corey harris
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Catfish Blues Lesson 4 you know I like to use my right palm in combination with my left hand to mute and dampen the strings....
Corey harris
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Catfish Blues Lesson 4
@Alex...nice tone as always. I would only say that when you are playing pay attention to ringing strings. You don't want them ringing out too much because that takes away from...
Corey harris
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61 Highway Variations & Slide Technique
@Dave ja voo...sounds like you got a good foundation. I would say now to slow it down a little bit and listen for the little variations now. Its a real simple tune and it can...
Corey harris
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61 Highway Variations & Slide Technique
@Alex...I would suggest that you use the one of the fingers behind the slide to lightly rest on the strings and this will also dampen sounds when you life the slide off the string...
Corey harris
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44 Blues Lesson 4
@Big White yes you are right I am brushing the strings with my thumb while playing the solo section and what I am doing with my left hand is dampening/choking the strings (also...
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Everybody Ought To Change Lesson 4
Hi Corey
Thanks to share. Your lesson is very clear. I had some hard time to damp the bass, I wasn't sure about it. What do you think? I have the feeling that the sound of the...
Duke robillard
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Fishnet Solo Lesson 1
Well thank you Scott, Sorry we missed each other at Fitzgeralds. Duke
Duke robillard
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Fishnet Solo Lesson 1
Allan, Sounds good and funky to me man! I like the sound with your fingers. Duke
Duke robillard
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Fishnet Chords & Rhythm
Hi Alan, You got got the groove thing there, sounds good! Duke
Duke robillard
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Route 66 Intro & First Chorus
Hi Allan, Sounds good, you've got the idea. As you said just need to relax a bit. All that takes is practice! Duke
Duke robillard
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Sweet Home Chicago Vocal Rhythm & Fills
Hi Cesar, Sounds great, good blues groove. I like how you added the flat 2 in your ending, very cool! Duke
Duke robillard
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Eddie Taylor Bad Boy Solo
Hi Terry, Welcome to Sonic Junction. My opnion is that most players try not play blues too on top of the beat. Most blues grooves should swing and to do that the groove has to be...
Duke robillard
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Route 66 Chords
Hi Allan, Good start on Route 66. Just gotta learn to relax a bit but you got the idea. Duke
Duke robillard
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Terry, No the L-5 is nlong gone, but it did go to a good home and I have played it on a gig when I was in the owners home town. Duke
Duke robillard
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BG, Yeah, I just love playing different axes all the time. Bad habit! Duke
Duke robillard
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Hey Peter, Thanks, yes, surf green is the coolest of all guitar colors! Duke
Duke robillard
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Hi Eric, Yes they are mine alright. Some I have already sold or traded though. Duke
Duke robillard
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Sweet Home Chicago Solo, First Verse
Alanj, Those are some very good suggestions and I will add at least a few of them to my lessons. Thanks, Duke
Duke robillard
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Sweet Home Chicago Solo, First Verse
Hi Allan, Very Good! Right in the pocket man. Duke
Allan mandell
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Sweet Home Chicago Solo, First Verse
Yeah man - kinda sloppy & not sure where I'm goin, but heading toward CHICAGO !
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Sweet Home Chicago Solo, First Verse
Duke, I have three suggestions for some instrumentals: Gatemouth's Okie Dokie Stomp, PeeWee's Boogie(has a ton of cool stuff that I know you've used), Freddy Kings the Stumble or...
Allan mandell
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Fishnet Solo Lesson 1
oh the elusve quest for funkyness ... well I decided to try this 'finger-pickin' style because that lets me snap the strings with a little more control, but playing with a pick...
Duke robillard
published a lesson:
Sweet Home Chicago Solo, First Verse
Hi Folks, this week we are learning the solo to "Sweet Home Chicago" Magic Sam style. Lots of good standard Chicago blues licks here including 7th to diminished chord accents, lead...