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509 thumb Alex barbera added to a forum topic: A song that stopped me cold...
You're welcome Duke :)) I'm not very expert with music theory but about woman body language...well this is something that is international!!! :)) I only share another video because...
6 thumb Duke robillard left a comment on: Slow Blues in C Lesson 1
Hi Mike, What I'm thinking is just the notes I'm about to play and how I can bend them and stretch them to make ME feel good. But really, that is in a very etheral way or state of...
409 thumb Mike caren left a comment on: Slow Blues in C Lesson 1
Hi Duke .. I'm really enjoying this lesson .. thank you!  It's going to be some work for me to create really emotional solos.  I can run around and play pentatonic licks ... but...
6 thumb Duke robillard left a comment on: Lester Leaps In Rhythm
Hi Bruce, The chord voicings I use are just what I've figured out that works from the hunderds of tunes that are based on "I Got Rhythm" There are many different inversions of...
6 thumb Duke robillard added to a forum topic: A song that stopped me cold...
Hello Alex, That is very cool music using the 1 and the 5 to create a spellbinding effect. Between the hypnotic effect of the music and the woman dancing, I believe it could cure a...
509 thumb Alex barbera added to a forum topic: A song that stopped me cold...
Hy Duke...nice to talk to you...sorry for not being very present at your lessons but at the moment I'm really focused on acoustic blues. I don't even have an electric guitar but as...
6 thumb Duke robillard left a comment on: Blues A Rama Muddy Waters
Hi Ron, Thanks, I will be doing more on the key of E Chicago style blues soon. Duke
6 thumb Duke robillard left a comment on: Blues A Rama Muddy Waters
Bluesman, This would actually be a good next lesson so I will put key of E chicago blues variations on my list. Duke
112 thumb Rich g left a comment on: Barking Chords
Oops - my bad!  F is not 5th position for C#, A is and that sounds a lot better (for See Me In the Evening).
6 thumb Duke robillard added to a forum topic: A song that stopped me cold...
Of course this is all great music and great performances. Music truly is the universal language
6 thumb Duke robillard added to a forum topic: A song that stopped me cold...
Hi Alex, That was really beautiful! And I love the no changes thing and all the different players and genres. Verry Cool! 
509 thumb Alex barbera added to a forum topic: A song that stopped me cold...
Can I add also this one? Playin for Change I think is one of the best musical project ever made...Don't know if you guys have ever heard about this incredible mixture of...
1417 thumb Bill left a comment on: Blues A Rama Muddy Waters
"Bluesman, I could will do a lesson with all my favorite Chicago blues licks in the key of E with different basslines turnarounds and solo ideas soon. "   Hi Duke,   Will you still...
Duke Rpurser left a comment on: Blues A Rama Muddy Waters
Duke   Phenomenal lesson! I am from the South Side of Chicago...and always have struggled with this type of Low Down Blues sound. I can't keep up with the wealth of lessons you got...
112 thumb Rich g left a comment on: Barking Chords
One last question (hope you don't mind all of this being off topic but I'm learning a lot) - I have the main blues keys -  A, Bb, C, D, E, Eb, F, and G.  If I were to get a few...
112 thumb Rich g left a comment on: Barking Chords
Thanks Jerry and Mike.  Not having an F# or a B, I tried it on an F (fifth position) and it sounded okay - actually kind of cool.  I read a description of fifth position which said...
103 thumb Jerry portnoy left a comment on: Barking Chords
The song is in the key of C#. I would play this in 2nd position on an F# harp or in third position on a B harp.
409 thumb Mike caren left a comment on: Barking Chords
Hi Rich .. Great tune! I'm going to be jamming with that one.  It sounds like it is C# / Db to my ears.  That guitar lick at 1:46 is awesome!
112 thumb Rich g left a comment on: Barking Chords
Jerry - here is the song.  Hope you like it.  Rich
103 thumb Jerry portnoy left a comment on: Barking Chords
Rich, I'm not familiar with the Hound Dog Taylor song you're referencing so I really can't answer your question. If you post the song, then I can hear it and answer your question.
112 thumb Rich g left a comment on: Barking Chords
Very useful lesson.  I think I had picked up some of this by playing along with Sonny Boy II on songs like "Help Me," but I wasn't really sure exactly what he was doing.  I went to...
6 thumb Duke robillard post
509 thumb Alex barbera added to a forum topic: A song that stopped me cold...
I heard this song the first time by my uncle playin his classical guitar I love this album....for many many reasons :))   but this one too :))...he had the blues :))  
6 thumb Duke robillard added to a forum topic: A song that stopped me cold...
All of your choices are on my list of great tunes, all those great blues and also 'I want to hold your hand" John Lennon's rhythm guitar was inspiring to me as a kid and I still...
6 thumb Duke robillard added to a forum topic: Duke's Blues. . .A Lesson?
Hi Tim, It was just the music I was listening to at the time and real life situations that inspired "Duke's Blues" Thanks, Duke
6 thumb Duke robillard added to a forum topic: New Orleans venues?
Its sad to say I haven't played there in years so I pretty out of touch, sorry! Duke 
6 thumb Duke robillard added to a forum topic: Wires
Hi Minug, I mostly use D'Addairo 11 sets with a plain 18 on my electrics and 012 light gauge D'Addairo's on my acoustics. Thanks, Duke
7 thumb Corey harris added to a forum topic: A song that stopped me cold...
Howling Wolf is the man.  This song like ot put me in a trance when I first head it.  
409 thumb Mike caren left a comment on: Barking Chords
Hi Jerry and Rick .. great lesson!  After I heard that second groove, I had to pull out my guitar and play along with you guys.  I have to admit is was a lot of fun.  Great guitar...
103 thumb Jerry portnoy post
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