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53 thumb Granite777 added to a forum topic: In my dreams, my tone sounds...
Like a watch running backward just a little slow. But liking to Dicky Betts or Dwayne Allman
53 thumb Granite777 left a comment on: Nature of the Blues
Its been a good 25 years since I have laid eyes on Jerry. Good to see and hear from you jerry. I know you dont remember me . but I remember you. life has did you well...youngman...
409 thumb Mike caren left a comment on: Boogie 2nd Position
Hi Tim I've uploaded an MP3 of the lesson that you can download and practice with while on the road.  I've had other requests for audio tracks and I'm more comfortable with...
6 thumb Duke robillard left a comment on: Jumpin' Blues Lesson 1
Hi Mike, I think that is because the chords are nice to follow and draw your ear in. Now part of the secret to learning to play over the chords is listening and learning lines...
87 thumb Tim at mars5 added to a forum topic: Saving Lesson Videos as Mp4's
Mike My practice routine on this site is to immerse myself in a lesson. . .in between life's "distractions".  These practice "immersions" may last anywhere from 5 minutes to an...
409 thumb Mike caren added to a forum topic: Saving Lesson Videos as Mp4's
Hi Tim Great discussion, thanks for bringing this up.   Yes .. definitely want to support people practicing away from their computer .. with the iPod, iPhone or Android phone....
87 thumb Tim at mars5 added to a forum topic: Walking Acoustic Bass in C
Mike This is a great trackto jam over!  I love it. I had a quick question about saving SonicJunction videos in MP4 format.  Some videos save as MP4, but most only allow you to...
106 thumb Snowden71 added to a forum topic: What's your favorite piece of...
Hi Duke. How did you mod your 65 DR to get the sound you needed?
509 thumb Alex barbera left a comment on: C C Pill Blues Lesson 4
Corey, I think that someway they were obliged to use thumbpick,too!!.^__^...they didn't have amplifiers and the only way to have a higher volume was to use thumbpick or resonator...
7 thumb Corey harris left a comment on: C C Pill Blues Lesson 4
@Alex...glad to hear that you have been making some changes that you are happy about.  It's not easy to make the switch in technique when you are used to doing something one way...
7 thumb Corey harris left a comment on: Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 1
@Mike...glad to hear that you like this song.  To dampen the strings I use both right and left hands, depending on what is going on.  Experiment and see what works best for you.  I...
509 thumb Alex barbera left a comment on: C C Pill Blues Lesson 4
Ciao Mike I prefer to focus on the bass, too!!! I think it's gettin better and better...My challenge now is dynamics and to avoid playin with thumbpick which is quite difficoult...
70 thumb Steve marinak added to a forum topic: In my dreams, my tone sounds...
I think Corey said something like this in one of his comments in a different thread.  It was something to the effect of "start quiet" One of my teachers once said a good solo is...
409 thumb Mike caren left a comment on: Jumpin' Blues Lesson 1
Sweet turnaround at the end Duke!   Question .. I find I also like chord progressions like this more than lead lines at times.  Is that strange I think that maybe my true soloing...
409 thumb Mike caren left a comment on: Keep Your Lamp Trimmed Post 1
Hey Corey .. great tune! I like how you broke this up.  I've tried to learn slide a couple times .. but never quite got it.  Looking forward to learning a whole song this time I'm...
409 thumb Mike caren added to a forum topic: Full membership
Hi Bluesnut Later this month we're going to end the Beta and have our commercial release.  At that time we're going offer a couple different subscription plans 1. Monthly at...
103 thumb Jerry portnoy post
87 thumb Tim at mars5 added to a forum topic: Saving Lesson Videos as Mp4's
Mike Some lessons save as Mp4's, thus allowing me to save them yo my Ipod Touch and practice on the road.  Many of the videos only save as a Webpage.  Is there a trick to getting...
103 thumb Jerry portnoy left a comment on: Boogie 2nd Position
Hey Tim - Glad to have you onboard here. I'm sure Mike can figure out a way for you to download what you want. Jerry 
6 thumb Duke robillard post
70 thumb Steve marinak added to a forum topic: In my dreams, my tone sounds...
Mike, sorry about that, I don't want confusion.  Chet was a trumpet player and singer that had a really pure tone in both mediums.  Your question hit close to home for me lately as...
87 thumb Tim at mars5 left a comment on: Boogie 2nd Position
Jerry, great lessons, but I can;t save them to my Ipod to practice on the road.  I've been waiting for along time for these. . .ever since seeing you with Muddy in 1979-80. Tim. 
105 thumb Bluesnut added to a forum topic: Full membership
What is full membership? Do you have access to more stuff? How could this site get better than it allready is?
105 thumb Bluesnut added to a forum topic: Jerry Portnoy !!
Wow,  having Jerry on Sonic juntion is a real treat and a welcome suprise.   I went thought the master class cds when I was starting out. His cds propeled me forward. Harp playing...
409 thumb Mike caren added to a forum topic: In my dreams, my tone sounds...
@Roger .. Freddie King .. yes indeed.  Did you ever here Low Tide ... a years worth of guitar lessons in one song @slimm66 .. true it's the point .. but my tone never seems to be...
6 thumb Duke robillard added to a forum topic: Duke Live!
Hey Slim, I was just having fun talking about guitars, I didn't think you were dis-ing inexpensive ones. I was using a Bad Monkey pedal for distortion. They are great and only 40...
1804 thumb Slim added to a forum topic: Duke Live!
Duke      Just the Evans amp?  What were you using for "dirt"?  I've heard the Evans with Jazz and Pedal Steel players, and it seems like a pretty clean deal.  BTW-I don't mean to...
59 thumb Mario abbagliati added to a forum topic: Formal knowledge of the...
Thanks Duke!
6 thumb Duke robillard added to a forum topic: Duke Live!
Hi Slim, I was using the Evans amp only that night. I actually think many inexpensive guitars that are available today sound really great. Of course the prestige of playing a real...
6 thumb Duke robillard added to a forum topic: In my dreams, my tone sounds...
I am very lucky that I usually can obtain the sound I hear in my head most of the time, which has taken years to refine. I have to say that most of it is in the fingers. Of course...
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