We're Among Friends Here ... First Names and Profile Picture Improvements
Here at Sonic Junction, our goal is to give you a direct, personal connection with Music Legends and peers. To make our conversations here more intimate, we're introducing a few improvements:
1. First Name Basis
To enable authentic conversation -- like talking with friends at a Master Class or Blues Jam, we'd like to move everyone to using first names.
If you're currently using an alias/username, please change it this week to your first name at: My Account > Edit Accout. (see diagram below)
2. Profile Pictures
It's now easier to express yourself -- use the new Profile Window to upload your personal photo for your profile. Or choose one of the new stock images to best represent yourself.
To set your Profile Picture, go to: My Account > Edit Profile. (Once there, you will see the window below)
We feel these improvements will make your Sonic Junction experience more intimate and rewarding. If you have any questions or feedback, you can post them here.
Best Regards,

Thanks for the thoughts.
One way to think about it is if you were to meet Duke, Corey or Jerry in person and introduce yourself, what name would you use?
Great to be learning with all of you at Sonic Junction!

Hey Mike,
I like that idea. I will make sure you know my real first name. My name is Douglas, nickname Sir Douglas for being a VP of a school at 24 by the owner After the group in Texas.
My God Son just thought that was to much, so he changed it to Uncle Doougal :) Most call me Doug, old friends call me Dougie, Mom CAlled me Dougie Wray when I was in trouble. Spanich kids call me Douglas, cause to Them Doug sounds like dog and they like me. So I may have to sleep on this one, I am already getting tired.
I will keep you informed,so I thought i would have a little humor tonight. I know when I met Duke at the T Bone festival in Texas and asked him to sign my Tele I thought someone had tied my tongue. He was so nice and I had so many questions, but I just did not want to seem to aggresive. I am sure he would have beed glad to talk some, but I got weak in the knees. Strange to be 60 and say that.??
Doug Irwin