Here are a few suggestions: From Swinging: Esquire Bounce, Pennies From Heaven- If you have a guitar arrangement of it; From A Swingin' Session: Red Dog; From Blues Full Circle: Worth Waitin' On (or something in that syle).
Here's my take on Shivers. I put together an arrangement based on the version you did with the New Guitar Summit. Thanks for the lesson and any feedback.
Thanks for the great lesson and the invaluable discussion. I love these lessons where you share some of your incredible knowledge on music and musicianship. You've had such an impact on my learning through these lessons on Sonic Junction. Thanks so much!
Yeah, I had a bit of an issue with my YouTube channel the links are all busted and will take a bit to get resolved. Here is a version I did solo with the backing track playing the two guitar parts. I'm still leaning into the time on this but I guess that's just the way I'm hearing it. Thanks for the lesson!
Here's my run at the full duet. Wow, this was both a great tune to learn and the play along video was a ton of fun! Any feedback you have would be appreciated. Thanks so much for the lesson.
I put together the original Never Mind track and some photos I found of Claude McLin for anyone that has not heard the original recording. Unfortunately It will likely take me the rest of my life to nail that guitar solo over the bridge!
Here's my cut at Avalon. I made my own track so I could have sections with three different tempos. This was a fun tune to learn. Thanks for the lesson.
Here's my run at the chords. I did it in a comping style which seems to fit the song well and added some octaves for the intro. I do have a question... I could not make the chords as shown in the chart/ lesson fit the recording. To me it sounds like the 2nd 4 bars of the A sections are a ii-V-I in C (I played Dm7, G7, CMAJ9, CMAJ9). This seemed to fit the tune as recorded. Do I have that right or am I off base. Great tune... will be a lot of fun to learn.
Here's my run at Flying Home. I made my own backing track so I could try your intro and Shout chorus ending along with a two chorus solo section. This was a great tune to learn, thanks for the lesson!
Here's my take on your "garage sale" of jazzy blues ideas. I made an up tempo backing track in iReal and added the rhythm guitar part. I made up a simple head and then used the ideas you showed to build up a solo section. I added a few choruses of my own near the end of the solo. This was great fun. Thanks for the lesson.
Here's my take on Never Mind. I made my own backing track in iReal (keys, bass and drums) and layed down the rhythm guitar part. I also played "bass" on the intro. I made up an ending based on what you described in the lesson. This was a ton of fun and a wonderful tune to learn. If you ever have a chance to post the original please do. I've looked all over for it but it's nowhere to be found.
Hi Duke,
Here's my run at Gee Baby Ain't I Good to You. Thanks so much for the lesson and any feedback.
Thanks, Marty
Hi Mike ,
It looks like the wrong sheet music got linked to this lesson. When you have a chance can you update it?
Thanks, Marty
Hi Marty -- you're right -- thank you! All fixed and enjoy Duke.
Hi Duke,
Here's my run at Stompin' At The Savoy. Thanks for the lesson and any feedback.
Hi Duke,
Here are a few suggestions: From Swinging: Esquire Bounce, Pennies From Heaven- If you have a guitar arrangement of it; From A Swingin' Session: Red Dog; From Blues Full Circle: Worth Waitin' On (or something in that syle).
Thanks so much for teaching at Sonic Junction!
Hi Duke,
Hi Duke,
Hi Duke,
Hi Duke,
Hi Duke,
Hi Marty, For some reason your video is not up at this time. Not sure why but I'd love to see it! Duke
I put together the original Never Mind track and some photos I found of Claude McLin for anyone that has not heard the original recording. Unfortunately It will likely take me the rest of my life to nail that guitar solo over the bridge!
Hi Duke,
Hi Duke,
Hi Mike, It looks like wrong chart got attached to this lesson.
Hi Marty -- thanks! You're right. All fixed and enjoy Duke.
Hi Duke,
Per Mark's request here is my backing track for "Duke's Garage Sale." I made this in iReal and added the rhythm guitar part. Enjoy!
Hi Mark, As far as I know there was no backing track for this lesson. I'd be happy to post the one I made if you think it would be useful.
Thanks Mark!
Hi Duke,
Sounds great Marty !
Thanks Mark!
Yes please post your backing track-Thanks
HI Duke,